Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: After I found Him

I snuck out his arms and creep down the stairs without making a sound. (I'm a ninja.) I looked in the living room... he's not there, so I went to the kitchen, he was on the deck out back. I slowly opened the door and sneaked behind him. He was leaning on the side of the deck smoking a cigarette, looking out into the trees. I snatched the cigarette out of his hands. I took a hit, put it out, and threw it. I blew out the smoke and looked at him. "Smoking is bad for you!" I said smiling. He smiled at me. "But didn't you just take a hit?" he asked. "Hey! This is about you not me!" I said getting closer to him. "And what are you gonna do about it if I keep smoking?" He said getting closer. "I'm gonna get cha!" I said snapping my teeth at him. "Yea?" He said getting closer. "Yea." I said getting closer. We were centimeters away having a stare off. Then he kissed me. Sparks flew, fireworks crackled, and everything else. I pulled back and he looked at me.
He started shaking his head. "I'm so sorry Lorraine! I didn't mean to do that, well I did but I shouldn't have..." I shut him up with another kiss. This kiss was full of... something , he moved his tongue past my lips and I gave him an entrance. His tongue explored my mouth and mine explored his. This was AIDEN! My best friend! I love him like a brother! But I was kissing him! AND I LIKED IT! I'd have to have a talk with myself later, but right now all I could think about was how much I wanted him. He tasted like cherries and smoke, it was sort of a good taste. We must have really started getting into it because next thing I knew he put his hands under my thighs and lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around him and he carried me back into the house.
He carried me upstairs to his parents' room and locked the door. We never broke our kiss. He laid me down on the bed and I ran my fingers through his hair. He broke our kiss and started kissing my neck and running his hands over my body. My breathing got heavier, I tugged on his shirt and he took it off, I kissed his neck and he licked his lips.
After about 15 minutes, both of our shirts were off and I was in bliss from A's soft lips. He kissed down my body and went to unbutton my pants. He started to pull them off and then I heard the last thing I wanted to hear. "A! LORRAINE! WHERE ARE YOU GUYS?!" Dex yelled. He must have just woken up. "Damn."  I heard Aiden say. I laughed and got up, and then we both put our shirts on. Then as i was pulling my pants up i glanced over and Aiden looked a little sad so I kissed with a lot of passion and winked at him.
We snuck out and ran back to his room and laid on the bed. We waited for Dex to come back in. While we were waiting for Dex I started having that mental talk with myself. 'Did that really just happen? That's my best friend in the whole world. Me and him go way back. How long has he wanted to kiss me? Why did he? Will this ruin anything?! I surely hope not. I love him but not in that way! But then again...  I do. I never really thought of A in that way. What's gonna happen now? Will we become horny dogs every time we see each other? What will happen if Dex finds out?!?! It'll break his heart! Finding out two of the three amigos are screwing each other. It won't be easy to take in. Let's hope Aiden is on my side and keep this our D.L.S. (Dirty Little Secret).'  It took Dex about 5 minutes to find us, he walked back in the room with a gasp like we scared him.  He jumped in the bed with us and looked puzzled. "Where were you guys?! I searched the whhhhooooollleeee house!" he said looking back and forth at us.
Me and A exchanged glances. "We're ninjas!" we said in unison then burst out in laughter. Dex shook his head and let out a giggle or two. After we all stopped laughing, I heard my stomach growl. "AAWWWWW MAAANN!" They both look at me. "What's wrong?" Dex said. "I'm hungry, I haven't eaten all day! And Aiden never has anything in his house to eat!" I said in a little whiney kid voice. "Wanna go downtown Chicago? They have lots of places to eat and I'm not doing anything" Aiden asked. I looked at both of them. I made a weird squealing noise, jumped up, grabbed my shoes, my  bag, my  iPod, and headed for the door. "WEEEEELLLL? Are you guys coming or not?!?!?" I screamed running down the stairs like a crazed lunatic. I heard them coming behind me. I ran out of the house and slid across the hood of the car and fell to the ground. I just laughed and got up. "C'mon guys!!!!" I yelled very loudly. I jumped up and down frantically like a little kid who had too much candy.
It was because I knew exactly where I wanted to go. It might not be downtown but it was close enough. I tapped on the car window frequently and then Dex came out with his striped hoodie on. Then after A locked up everything, we finally got in the car. I got in the back seat and Dex got in the front seat. A had a nice car it was a Nissan. I forget what kind. I plugged in my iPod. (They loved my music) I hit shuffle and 'Sweet Blasphemy by Black Veil Brides' came on. Aiden started the car and pulled out the driveway. On our way out the sub-division he said, "What are we getting and where?"  I grinned, "Shrimp, from the fishery place." They both got smiles on their faces. "OH OREO! YOU ALWAYS PICK THE BEST PLACES!" Dex said. (He calls me Oreo because I'm a white girl trapped in a black girl's body or at least that's what everyone says about me. Lol :p) We got on the highway and started singing 'Sweet Blasphemy' and the other songs as loud of we could. (Yes people in the other cars looked at us like we were crazy 'emo'/scene kids but hey who cares?!) We sung all the way to Chicago and had a lot of fun. But I still couldn't help but notice Aiden was giving me looks and winks. This was gonna be a long night!

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