Chapter 5

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(Hey people i guess i can consider my little readers? uhm.. if you're still reading this thank you. -please vote and comment. i'll post more if i get some likes? alrighty)

Chapter 5: The kissing

When A and Dex realized what was going on they came up to me and my newly re-found brother. We all went inside ordered our food and sat down at a table near the back. I sat on one side with A and Dex. They put me in the middle, while my brother was on the other side. "So... how are you? How's mom? And Deek?" I say nibbling on my shrimp. He was eating 2 pounds of shrimp, and he was eating fast but not too fast... just like I remember. He stopped, swallowed and smiled. "I'm good just a little upset you haven't seen your niece in a while. Mom is good, just remarried, and Deek? Oh boy! Deek he's old but still eating like he was a puppy." I smiled at all the things I had when I was a kid. "I missed you." I say blinking away tears. He smiled and said "I missed you too LaLa." He said a name only family called me.
We sat and talked for about half an hour. Dex and Aiden became good friends with him. We exchanged numbers, and left. When we all got in the car and saw him drive away A turned to me and asked me was I ok. "Yeah, I'm fine." I said, it wasn't a lie but wasn't fully the truth. We sat there for a moment before Dex said "Where to?" I smiled and said the lake! Just at that moment Aiden pulled out and we headed to the lake.
When we got there it was vacant no one was there. I bit my lip and took off my shoes and socks. I ran out the car towards the water. Aiden and Dexter realized what I was doing and took of their shoes and socks too. I heard them right behind me. I stood at the edge of the water, it hit my toes which felt good on a hot weekend in spring. Aiden and Dex came and stood next to me. "Wanna go swimming?" I asked. "Sure!" Dex answered. "But we don't have swim suits!" he said. Then Aiden said "And you're not getting in my car with wet clothes!" "We always could go in our underwear." Dex said. I was just staring out into the water. "I got a better idea." I said with a crooked smile on my face. "What?" they said together. I walked back towards the car and stopped halfway, they followed. "Tell us Lorraine!" Dex shouted. I took off my pants and shirt. Aiden sighed "you just don't listen I told you...." I cut him off by running back towards the water throwing my bra back towards them. I stopped at the edge of the water took off my panties and ran into the water.  I kept going until I was neck deep in water. Then I turned back around to see Dex and Aiden in awe. Then they walked slowly to where I had thrown my bra and Aiden picked it up. I giggled and waved. Aiden held it up and screamed "Hell Yeah!!!" He took off his shirt and ran towards the water. Dex did the same. Then Aiden took off his skinny jeans and stood there in his boxers looking at me. He turned around pulled down his boxers and mooned me.
He took his boxers all the way off and backed into the water. "What's wrong?!" I yelled teasing him.  "You're too small?!" I yelled. He turned around to flash me, and then dove into the water. He swam up to me and stood in front of me. He kissed me like I was his last kiss ever. I almost fainted in the water. "Wait Aiden, where's Dex?" "He went to the car to put his clothes away, he's such a girl." He answered. I saw Dex walking back towards us. "Gosh, I forgot I need to move my car!" He turned and ran out of the water put on his boxers and headed for his car and that's when Dex replaced him. He took off his boxers and walked into the water. He wasn't scared to show me his. Surprisingly this wasn't the first time I'd seen Dexter naked, it was one day I was staying over at his house because of my father. We were both taking showers at the same time (in different bathrooms) and there was a spider as I was getting in. I screamed as loud as I could and he came running in. We were both naked but he didn't care, he killed the spider and I cried and he held me. Then we both took our showers. It was about a year ago and only we know about it. But anyways... He swam up to me and hugged me. I giggled and hugged him back.
I looked him in his eyes, and he did the same.  "You're beautiful." He said calmly. I blushed and smiled at him. "Thanks, you're not too bad your damn self." I said winking at him. I was about to swim away and he took my hand and intertwined his fingers with mine. This didn't surprise me because A and him often did it. Hell, they did it with each other to piss the homophobic bullies off at school. "Can I try something?" he asked turning a little red. "Sure Dex" I said not really guessing what would happen next. He leaned in and kissed me! My head was spinning, here goes another mental talk I need to have with myself. I knew I shouldn't have but I kissed him back. We kissed for a long time and then he broke the kiss. He led me over to a big rock hidden from the street and pressed me against the rock then kissed me again. The rock was pushing into my back and I leaned towards Dex to take some of the pressure off. He must have thought I was into it really because his tongue licked my lips then I let him in, he tasted like orange and strawberry. His tongue ring felt so good in my mouth. He lifted my legs up and I wrapped them around him. I felt his manhood pressing against my leg and I knew it was getting harder.  It freaked me out because I had never felt one or seen from until today! (Aside from that one time) I pushed him away. "Dex..." I said in a quiet voice, it almost sounded like a whisper. Dex nodded and looked a little sad but I kissed his cheek. He dove into the water and I stayed there thinking a bit. This wasn't the first time I'd made out with Dex, we were 14 and he was the first person I'd made out with, it was at a party we were playing 1 hour in heaven, I didn't make a big deal of it then but... now... it was different. I could tell, there was a passion coming from Dex... but I wasn't going to let that ruin my night. I'd have to think about it later. I dove under the water, letting the coolness calm my everything.
We came from behind the rock and went to the middle and started playing Marco Polo. Then Aiden came back ditched his boxers and joined us. We played for about 10 minutes then they buried me in sand, then I buried A and Dex. But it was hard with Dex sticking up like a flag pole. I giggled at him and then we all just laid looking at the city lights because there were no stars.  Then out of the blue, Dex's mom came and started screaming like a mad woman. "DEXTER RYAN YOUNG! YOU PUT YOUR CLOTHES ON THIS MINUTE!  WE ARE GOING HOME! I'VE BEEN SEARCHING THE CITY OF CHICAGO FOR YOU ALL NIGHT! YOU'RE LUCKY I STILL HAVE MY TRACKING DEVICE!" She eyed me and Aiden thinking it was our fault. She never did like us because she claims we were bad influences on her son, and us laying on the beach naked really didn't help that cause. Dex got dressed and said see you later, I think it was directed at me more than Aiden. Then I picked up my phone and looked at the time. "Holy Shit!" I said to Aiden, "It's almost midnight!"
Then me and Aiden got dressed and he said he was going to get the car I told him I was going to the bathroom. He ran to get it and I walked to bathroom. I went inside and used the washroom after washing my hands and singing 'I.D.G.A.F by Blood On The Dance Floor' I left the bathroom. When I came out I started looking around for A. I was grabbed from behind from a stranger. I knew it wasn't Aiden, it was too big and rough to be Aiden. I tried to scream but he placed his hand over my mouth and I could practically hear him grinning.  "Aren't you a pretty little cocoa drop?" This unfamiliar man said. Then he started to remove my clothes as he dragged me into darkness.

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