Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: Waking up

I opened my eyes and my hands were still being held, I looked down to see Dexter holding my left and Aiden holding my right. I snatched my right hand from Aiden and whispered Dexter's name. Their heads both snapped up at the same time, and they smiled.  Aiden tried to give me a hug but I turned away from him despite how much it hurt me physically. I looked at Dexter and he hugged me. His hair was much longer and his facial hair had grown out, we embraced for a while before A cleared his throat. I laid back in my bed in pain, I winced but said nothing. I went back to holding Dex's hand and he looked at me. "Are you ok?" His voice sounded weak as if he'd been crying. "I'm fine." I answered despite the stinging in my chest. I looked closely at Dexter and saw a yellow ring around his eye like an old bruise. I touched his face. "Dex... what happened?" He opened his mouth to talk, and then he smiled. "Me and A had a little fight." My head instantly shot to Aiden. "You what?!" I asked looking at him. He had his head down and his fists were clenched, they were also bleeding through the gauzes he had around them. "Aiden..." I said but it came out a whisper. He looked at me and he had fresh wounds. His cheek was cut, his lip was busted, and he had a black eye. "What the hell is going on?! How long have I been in here?!" I asked getting upset and crying. Aiden was shaking his head and he walked out. I let him go, I was still mad. "IT'S YOUR FAULT I'M IN HERE JERK!" I screamed after him.  Dexter shook his head, "He... never mind I'll let him tell you." I was confused and mad. "Tell me what?!" I said eyeing him. He shook his head and sat back in his chair. "It's not for me to tell you while you're mad at him." I laid back also "Yea, I am." I pushed the nurse button and a small red headed woman came into the room. She looked no older than 25 and she had one of the sweetest smiles I'd seen. "Yes, Miss?" The nurse had a voice so sweet it sounded as if she were singing. "When is my last day?" I asked, I was anxious to get out. "You may leave tomorrow." She said smiling.  She walked out of the room. "So tomorrow we'll go shopping?" Dex said as soon as the nurse left. "For what?" I asked. He laughed. "You've been in a coma for a week. We start school again Monday. Today's Friday." My mouth was gaping open. "What?!" I exclaimed. He just nodded his head. Well I guess we are going shopping. He smiled and walked to turn off the lights. "You should get some sleep." They went off and he walked out. "DEX!" I objected. He stuck his head back in, "Yes?" he asked. "Don't leave me alone..." I said in a quiet voice. He smirked, "Don't worry, you won't be alone. I promise." I was a little worried, but I was tired. I closed my eyes and instantly went to sleep.
About 2am I opened my eyes to hear someone crying. I looked around, the voice was too deep to be Dexter. I began to get scared. "I love you Lorraine, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to end up in here. I know you're mad at me but... please I can't go another day without talking to you." The voice said. I knew who it was, and I couldn't deny it. It was Aiden. Is this what Dex meant when he said I wouldn't be alone? I think so, he's a smart-ass like that. Then Aiden bent over me and kissed me. I continued to play sleep, but I couldn't help the fact that my heart monitor was beeping like crazy. I could have sworn I heard him laugh. But I was still tired, so I went back to sleep when he stopped crying.
When I awoke Dexter was back with a bag of my things, "How'd you get in my house?" I asked confused. I was being confused a lot lately. "Your door is always unlocked." He said grinning a bit. I laughed and got up. "WHOA it's cold in here!" I said closing the back of my gown. He smiled, "Why don't you open that and show me dat ass?" he laughed emphasizing 'dat' and I flashed him before sliding my underwear and jeans on. I took the entire thing off and I couldn't help but notice Dexter blushing and sneaking peaks at me while I was putting on my bra. I smiled and said "Enjoying the view?" I let a giggle escape my mouth, and he looked away. I slipped on my 'My Chemical Romance' T-shirt and my shoes, now I was ready to go. I brushed my hair down and put my beanie hat on, I signed out of the hospital and got in Dex's car. I sat in the front and put my seat belt on. He started the car and pulled out of the parking lot. We drove for about 15 minutes before pulling into our sub-division. I saw Aiden talking, and hugging Melissa walking to his house, my heart broke into a million and one pieces. "You wanna come over to my house?" Dexter asked putting his hand on mine. "No, not today. I got something to do." I said holding my tears back. "Are you ok?" he asked concerned. "I'm fine..." I said thinking of a different fine than him. He pulled up to my house, and I got out instantly. "I'll see you tomorrow." He yelled when I got to my door step. I gave him a fake smile and waved at him when he pulled off. I walked into the house and saw a stack of mail for me sitting on the end table. I by-passed the table and went straight to my room. I dove in my bed and cried myself to sleep. I hated waking up, my dreams were the best place to be.

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