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  Two days later

Once again the sight of the forest was back. This time no screams from the mystery girl coming from way deep in the forest.

Looking down to my feet, I realized I was barefoot. Feeling my pulse quickening, I looked around my surroundings to see there no way out of here.

"Hello!?" I heard myself shout. "Is anyone here?"

This wasn't good I thought to myself. It was too quiet for a forest as not even the snaps of twigs or leaves falling from trees could not be heard.

"Luke?" I felt a cold hand touch my bare shoulder. I gasped, turning around to see who touched me but I was confronted with nothing but the trees in sight.

What the fuck is going on?!

   I swear, it was like that voice was right behind me!

"Help me..." I heard a faint whisper coming from my right.

Help you? Help who though?!

"Who are you? Where are you?" I shouted out, "I can't help someone I can't see!"

"But I'm right here Luke."

"Luke you better wake the fuck up!" I heard the banging on my door, causing me to wake up from the possible nightmare?

Groaning, I looked over my alarm to see it was 7:45 which meant I had only ten minutes to get ready.

"Shit." I groaned, standing up from bed and opening my door to see Jack's eyes wide as saucers.

"Woah dude, what happened to your shoulder?" He examined it. Confused, I looked to my shoulder and I took a sharp intake of air.

What the hell? I thought to myself. This is the shoulder that girl touched!

"It's all scratched up dude. Mum needs to see this- Hey mu-"

"No! Don't!" I panicked, stopping him before he even finished the sentence.

"And why not?" He frowns.

"I don't want mum to worry! I just grazed my shoulder yesterday while hanging out with the guys yesterday." I shrugged. He narrowed his eyes at me, debating to believe his brother's answer at the horrid scratches on his shoulder.

And those didn't look like scratches that came from fucking, Jack thought to himself. But he couldn't even think that as Luke Hemmings didn't even have the balls to ask a girl out. But even if he didn't show his love to his young brother, he still cared about him, and those scratches were something that they looked someone did on themselves.

      "Mum has to Luke. Seems you're not okay... again." He narrowed his eyes at Luke. Luke hitched a breath, recalling the last time something like this happened to him. He did not want his mum to go through this again.

      "I'm fine Jack. You're already making me late for school." He shoved past Jack. Jack letting him go, sighed and looked towards Luke's bed where spots of blood stained the white sheets.

     He's having those nightmares again, Jack confirmed.


    "What took you so long?!" Michael hissed at me. I shrugged, hoping that would shut Michael up since I wasn't ready for his morning rants he does every. fucking. day. Already ten minutes late to school, Michael could care less about it and spotted me heading towards to the front doors and stopped me before I could even get the chance to get inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2016 ⏰

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