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"Luke!" A shrieking voice echoed throughout the whole dark woods I was surrounded in as I tried to find a way to get away from here.

My breathing hyperventilating as I swallowed the fear and panic inside me.

"Luke help! He's hurting me!" That voice again screamed for my name once again. My body goes stiff, as I look my left and right to hear where the screaming came from.

"Hello?!" I yelled, hoping to hear that familiar yet unknown voice of. The winds caused the tree branches to whoosh and creak, the hairs of my arms spiked up with goosebumps.

"Luke!" the voice continued to scream for me, sobbing actually," Please help! He's really hurting me!!"

"Stop! Stop calling out my name!" my knees collapsed from under me as i felt the wet leaves on my jeans. The screams of the girl only got worse, a death shrieking scream coming from her but I didn't know where to go or to look. But I did what I always did.

Hide myself from everything as my arms covered my face, my hands to my ears.

"Stop! Leave me alone!" I screamed, tears spilling down my cheeks as my breathing started to quicken up. The wind stopped, feeling the breeze slowing down as the leaves on the trees started to get quiet.

The screams. I heard them no more. Which alerted something was off. This wasn't how it was supposed to go. A frown was placed upon my face when I looked up but knees still on the floor.

"Hello?" I heard myself, my voice a bit shaken. Slowly spreading my legs out in front of me, I looked at them in horror as I saw my pants were slashed and my legs were cut with deep gashes. But I don't feel the pain.

I didn't feel anything at all. Tears brimmed around my eyes. Closing my eyes, a tear escaped and fell on my legs which a scream that was buried inside me came out.

The tear felt like acid unto my leg, burning my flesh as I heard it sizzle.


"Luke! Help! Please!" that voice was once screaming again my name. I clenched my teeth in contorted pain.

"Stop...Calling my name!! I don't know who you are!" I screamed, getting up and walking but at the same time, a little clumsy since my legs been really injured.

"Luke!" it was if she couldn't listen me screaming back at her. Then out of a sudden, I heard a pitching scream and something grabbing my ankle.

"Let me go! Let me go!!!" I shrieked, looking down to see what grabbed ahold of me but I didn't, I couldn't.

Darkness, was swallowing me from my knees and up. I gasped, panicking thinking what was going on. I looked around, searching for anything, anyone. Her.

"Leave me ALONE!" I cried, sobs coming up as my fingers shake violently.

"Please! Somebody help me! Please!" I heard that voice once again. Too much was happening and I couldn't stand it.



"Luke!" I woke up with a jolt, my breathing too fast for my own as I looked around, the lamp on my night stand on. My hands going up to my face, I felt the sweat on my forehead and realized I was drenched with sweat.

"Luke..." I heard a male voice. Looking to my left, I saw the brown eyed guys watching me with wide eyes and worry drawn all over his face.

"I...she..again.." I stammered, my fingers shaking again. He sighed as he rolled up from bed due to being on his knees and mumbling something saying he'll be back.

Minutes later, he came back with two sleepy boys who looked alarmed as ever when they spotted me.

"Jesus Christ Luke! You look sick!" Michael rushed over to me, his hand going up to my forehead as his eyes watched me carefully.

"No really mate, you been having these nightmares every time you fall asleep!" Calum says, as he watching me intently.

"This is why I don't go to sleep." I hissed through my clenched teeth. Taking the covers off me only to hear Ashton scream in shock.

Looking down, I realized why he screamed. My legs were covered with scratches. Michael then took my hands to check and looked at me in worried, tears brimming in his eyes.

"He did it to himself." Michael whispered, looking up to Calum and Ashton who both stood grounded to the floor.

"I didn't...i..it wasn't me..." I muttered.

"It's happening again isn't it Luke? You're having that same dream you once told me few months ago, am I right?" Ashton looked at me dead in the eye as he crossed his arms against his bare chest.

"I'm afraid so." I sighed.

"Goddamn it Luke." Calum snapped as he turned around walking back to his room.

Hi. Short chapter, but the first to this Luke fanfic. Hope you like it, vote comment and share to spread it. xx

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