Hello Stranger, I'm a Disaster

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When people ask "how this all started", I don't really know how to answer them. I mean, you could say it all began with my mom's remarriage, or our move to Rodeo, California, or maybe go even further back and start with the Big Bang and all the bizarre coincidences that lead to the creation of the vilest species on earth: us. Maybe it all began with the Sex Pistols, or starting at a new school or my first hangover, but really I doubt I'll ever know. It could've been fate, and I know that sounds like voodoo bullshit but hey, it could have been fate. The truth of the matter is, things just happen. Strangers become friends and friends become your worst nightmare. Teenagers become adults and kids become superstars. But, if you want my opinion, I think this all started with three disasters:

A second-hand joint, a Yoda t-shirt, and a boy on a roof.

A/N I know this is really short but it's kind of like a introduction. The next chapter will be longer I swear. 

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