Chapter 4: The Boy on the Roof

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I didn't see him for the rest of the night. Actually, I'm not sure exactly what happened after I had ran off, but I believe it probably involved more drinking, dancing and embarrassingly drunken conversations. The only real thing I remember was being slouched in the bathroom, spewing my guts out to the point of tears, my head pounding and my whole body shaking. After I could bring up no more, I collapsed onto the tiles, and, feeling a sickening drowsiness overcome me, fell asleep.

I'm not certain how long I slept for, but I was awoken by a continuous pounding on the door.

"Annabel? Annabel are you in there? Mona left a few hours ago and she wanted me to tell you that Chuck said it's fine if you sleep over. She'll come get you before school tomorrow." A girl's voice informed me from the hallway.

I groaned, rubbing my kinked neck, wishing I was anywhere else but here. The buzz and drunkness had gone, but it was replaced by a nauseous feeling in my gut and an awful sense of "I'm going to be so screwed in the morning".

"Annabel? Hold on I'm coming in."

No. Oh god no I didn't want to smile for another Rodeoian and introduce myself and give my opinion on this loathsome town and wake up in this god for saken house tomorrow morning. And so, as any logical person with a fucking mental problem would do, I scrambled to my feet and climbed out the window.

"Shit." I muttered as I wobbled out onto the ledge, wondering why the hell I was doing this. This night had seemed to have taken a drastic turn. I got my footing and crawled onto the roof, continuously mumbling "Shit shit shit shit..." under my breath as I began to realise that this was possibly the most stupid idea I had ever had, and believe me I've had some real shockers.

The moon was bright and full, bathing the night in a creamy pale glow. My head was spinning and I felt so sick and the one and only thought I could comprehend was that I wanted to be anywhere but here. I wanted to leave this stupid house, this stupid town, this stupid country, this stupid world. And then I stopped, freezing mid-crawl when I saw the silhouette. Hooded in the dark, sitting not too far away from me, gazing at the star-filled horizon and smoking a cigarette.

"What are you doing up here?" I croaked, caught in escape like an inept James Bond.

The figure turned to me, and all I could make out in the night was a head of black hair, nose ring, and a pair of luminous, shimmering, glowing emerald green eyes.

"I could ask you the same question."

The silhouette replied. I watched them blow out a hazy cloud of smoke that caught on the wind and drifted into the cool night air.

"I'm trying to run away." I answered, not sure really why I was talking to this stranger. The words just sort of fell out of my mouth.

"I can see that." He chuckled, taking another long inhale of nicotine. I watched him, he watched me.

"Do you want one?"

"What?" I asked dumbly.

"A cigarette."

You could have probably guessed that I don't smoke. I considered the offer for a few seconds.

"Well, I've already broken nearly all of my morals tonight so go big or go home I guess."

I sighed before inching towards him, taking the cigarette from his outstretched hand.

I sat myself next to him, letting him lean and light the roll between my lips, his hair brushing my cheek and his skin smelling of metal, smoke and lilacs.

I took a breath and immediately coughed awfully, the disgusting taste of it filling my throat. How the hell did anyone find this appealing?

"You gotta breath it out too." He told me, demonstrating by letting out a hazy trail of smoke.

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