Chapter 17: Makeout Party

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Annabel's POV

When a drunk boy has climbed through your window on a Saturday night and has requested, or more like demanded, that you get your grounded ass to some party somewhere with him and most likely his bandmates, one of which is most definitely insane and the other who probably hates your guts for blowing him off... you have to take a second to survey what has just happened.

That's exactly what I was doing as I pulled on a pair of jeans and a black sweater in my bathroom, my heart pounding in my chest at the thought of an intoxicated and strangely emotional Billie Joe Armstrong staggering around my room on the other side of the door. I ran a quick glance over my reflection and was about to leave when I spotted a dark red lipstick Mona must have left by the sink. I hesitated, and met myself halfway by giving my lips a quick swipe and then pulling open the door.

I was slightly surprised to find Billie sprawled out on the ground in the middle of the room. He star-fished his limbs, his hazy and glistening eyes meeting mine as I bent over him.

"This is a nice rug." He garbled, then drew his brow as if the statement had sounded better in his head. I couldn't help but smirk, offering him a hand to pull him up. He took it, and I gave one big tug, far more powerful than necessary it turned out as he shot up like a jack in the box, sending us tumbling onto my bed.

A few vital seconds passed as we both comprehended the situation. His face was practically an inch from mine, a few locks of coal black hair tickling my cheek. I could feel his breath on my lips as we both stared at each other with wide eyes, practically stunned, the weight of his body pinning me underneath him. I waited for the expected surge of fear, the anxiety and torturous blind panic that I had always felt in a position like that, but it didn't come. It never came, in fact it was notably replaced by a strange, warm pressure that had bloomed in my chest and hammering heart, a feeling that was not entirely unpleasant. I watched him, not completely sure what actions he was going to take. 

He just watched me, then drew in a slight breath, his face lowering fractionally to mine. Then and there, one primary thought consumed the chaos in my mind: Is he going to kiss me?

There were a series of frantic ramblings in my head to answer this. What the fuck? Why would he kiss me? Is he just drunk? He must be. Why would he want to kiss me? Shit shit shit...

My heart, which had suffered enough by that point had then proceeded to protest wildly as it did backflips in my ribcage. I felt his body shift, and his image became blurry as his lips hovered a hairsbreadth from mine, my eyes closing by their own accord. I felt the warmth of his mouth, and I knew at that point that it was completely up to him what to do as my entire body and mind had melted. But then he seemed to consider something for a moment, and I felt his arms tense as if conflicted. That brief second of uncertainty was enough for my clouded head to snap back to attention, causing me to blink back to sanity.

"We should go." My voice was a whisper, as he was still so close. Those emerald eyes bore into mine, and I found myself unnerved that I couldn't understand the expression that burned in them. He didn't move, so I put my hands flat on his chest, and with that he moved off of me, looking as if he had just seen a ghost.

I got up and felt the temperature rising in my face, so in attempt to choke down my overwhelming embarrassment I grabbed my backpack and pulled out the box of cigarettes and lighter. I gave a smile, which thankfully he returned after whatever had occurred in him had passed.

"Just in case."

Neither of us dared to make the slightest noise as we edged down onto the roof. He went first, and I just followed where he gripped the branches and tried not to look down. He helped me down from the lowest branch with a pair of steady hands secured on my waist. He kept them there for a moment after I was firm on the ground, as if trying to find something to say before releasing his hold. I felt somehow bolder in the dark night air and concluded the happening of before by wrapping my fingers around the base of his neck to pull his ear down to me.

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