Chapter 11: Gilman (Part 2)

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Billie's POV

My hand tightened around Annabel's wrist as we stumbled into the dim. Multiple bodies barricaded themselves against my back and continued to urge us further, pushing me into her. I could hear her breathing now, sharp staccato intakes as her wide blue eyes darted around the darkness in panic. 

"It's ok." I put my hands on her slim, slightly trembling shoulders, my mouth by her ear.

Cinnamon and vanilla. That was what her skin smelled like. I don't know why that mere scent rendered such importance in my mind, but it did. It was as if I had known that smell my entire life, like some unknown part me once lost had finally returned home. 

And then all forms of thought emptied from my mind as the sound of guitars and drums erupted from the small stage somewhere amongst the limbs and beer and sweat and empty angst.

It was about the 5th song when I caught a glimpse of Annabel's face again. She turned around from her place in front of me, grinning wildly, lips moving to form silent words.

"What?" I yelled in a vain attempt over the music. She tried again, face distorting slightly in effort to be heard. Her eyes shone with a light that I only remembered seeing once before; perched on the handlebars of my bike, hair flying, laughing.

"THEY'RE GOOD!" Finally success. 


Her eyebrows raised at the name and she nodded, eyelids fluttering shut, her body swaying to the pulsing energy that entombed us. Considering, then a smile overcame her face, arms raising above her head, eyes opening to meet mine.

I grinned back, then I reached out and grabbed the sides of her shirt, by her waist, and pulled her slowly towards me. I don't know why I did it. It just happened, my arms moving hesitantly, giving her plenty of time to escape. 

But she didn't, her smile fading into something else entirely as her forehead hovered mere centimetres away from my pounding chest. I watched her carefully, running my hands to meet with hers, entwining them. She looked up at me in question.

"Let's dance." 

And we did. It was barely dancing really, just jumping and thrashing our limbs and bodies side to side, but our hands, our hands remained locked, as if to say that whatever this strange happening was, we were in it together. It was bizarre; every nerve of my body was alight and my heart was hammering and I couldn't see anything except a flash of her smile, a glimpse of her eye, the tumbling waves of her hair...and I knew it couldn't just be because of the music.

In between sets Mike and Tré finally joined us.

"Guys! Where have you been?" 

Mike was glistening with sweat all over his gangly body, shaggy hair stuck against his face, grinning. Tré was plastered up against some girl, obviously caught in a state somewhere between tipsy and wasted, and wasn't really contributing to the conversation in any way as he was deeply engrossed in the act of locking tonsils with whoever this chick was.

Annabel gave me a smirk and raised her eyebrows, to which I chuckled and shrugged; it was nothing new.

"Dancing." I answered, glancing down at Annabel, and only just realising our fingers were still interlacing each other's, which was probably explaining the discomfort that was rapidly spreading across Mike's face. Before I could I do or say anything, she dropped my hand as if it was made of hot coal and crossed her arms tight across her chest.

"This is such a cool place. How long have you guys been coming here for?" The question was obviously directed at Mike, as she refused to meet my gaze.

"About a year or so now. It always got a great lineup, and sometimes we play."


"Yeah, you should come sometime." I could see Mike beginning to perk up as she continued to focus her attention on him, which in turn caused me to because increasingly irritable, for no good reason.

We merged back into the crowd once the band started up again, although this time she kept her back firmly to me. 

We were some of the stragglers after the gig ended. Tré was substantially intoxicated, and still droning over his lost new friend.

"You don't get it man! She was of my love! I know!"

"Sure buddy." Mike grunted as he helped me carry him over to Mike's car, which was proving difficult since he flopped like some sort of deranged rag doll.

"What was her name? I smirked.

Tré blinked, thinking. 

"Ashley. Or Madison. Or...or... was it Julie? It doesn't matter if it's TRUE LOVE!"

I heard Annabel giggle somewhere behind us, and then patted Tré on the back.

"Best of luck man." 

Finally, we managed to herd him into the back seat of the car, after which he promptly fell fast asleep.

"Well, looks like he's out." Mike smiled as he turned back to us. "Did you have fun Annabel?"

She nodded sincerely and smiled back. "Yeah. I really did. Thanks for putting up with me."

"Anytime. See you guys tomorrow." And he embraced us each before climbing into the driver's seat and disappearing into the night. 

We walked in silence back to the car. I was fiddling madly with the keys for no apparent reason. We climbed in, and then sat a moment. She broke the silence by saying one word.

"Thank you."


"Thank you for everything today, I really needed it."

She turned to look at me, a sad sort of smile tweaking the edges of her lips. Her clothes were dishevelled and her hair had come out of its bun a long time ago, so it fell around her shoulders, a lock stuck to the side of her cheek.

"I could tell you needed it."

I started the ignition and turned down the radio so it was nothing but a gentle hum. It was a soft night, and the empty air that hung around us seemed more at ease than heavy. She looked out the window. 

"I'm glad I met you Billie."

My head spun to her, a little surprised by this sudden sentiment. She waited a second before turning to look at me.

"So am I."

A/N There's one more little part next. I'm trying to gain momentum again...but we'll see where it goes. Anyway thanks for reading! It gives me a motivation besides sheer boredom to write :)

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