Chapter 27: Loose Ends Tied In Knots

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Billie's POV

"Roll roll roll a joint twist it at the ends, light it up and take a puff and pass it to your friends!"

Tré's eyes were glazed as he took a long drag, a goofy grin plastered on his face while a cloud of smoke billowed out through his nostrils. I smiled; with that green hair, he reminded me of a stoned dragon. 

"You know the point of that song is to pass around the joint fuckwit!" Mike chided as he began to try to wrestle the blunt out of his hand. 

"Au contraire  dipshit, I happen to be the truest, and most beloved friend I would ever have the pleasure of befriending, so I pass the joint to moi."

Annabel laughed as they tumbled around for the pot, her eyes seeming brighter than I had ever seen them. The sun was setting and seemed to bask everything in a haze of orange, the tops of the trees darkening as the horizon was illuminated, spilling hues of pinks and reds. 

Shit, listen to me...

We were in a park with a few beers and all of our problems, letting both drain. I was happy, really fucking happy. The boys were both high as kites after another 15 minutes of attempting to inhale the most they could before the other ripped it off them, and decided promptly to lie down in the grass to make snow angels. Neither Annabel or I had that heart to tell them we were in California. 

We sat in silence for a moment, purely easy silence. I could have lived in that silence forever.

"You're really lucky to have them." She said quietly, her lips upturned in a sincere smile, her eyes on the two teenagers giggling on the ground a couple feet away. 

"Yeah. I know I am." I smiled too as I watched them. Fuck, thank god I had them. 

"You deserve them." 

I frowned at that. I frowned as I thought of the shit I had put them through, the anger and hopelessness of my petty life. I shook my head.

"I'll never deserve them."

She didn't look at me, but she was still smiling softly.

"You're worth a lot more than you know, y'know?"

I cracked a grin at that. She pulled out the box of cigarettes, and we both took one. 


"Anna banana no!!!! Why do you have to go???" Tré slurred as he pulled her into a hug.

"It's no fair!!!" Mike garbled as well, picking her up and spinning her around so she squealed.

"I've got to get home now guys... Jeremy was  lenient on me last night but they'll be worried if I don't turn up now." 

"Come back soon...Billie baby is in such a better mood when you're around..."

I swear to god that wind-up monkey on crack...

"I'll walk her home. Stay here you idiots." I couldn't help but smile as Mike scruffed my hair and gave me a hug. He knew I needed it.

"Hurry back otherwise you're not getting any of that booze."

We waved them off as we began to walk. The air around us was light, as if nothing hung in the balance. We had gone a little ways when a felt a small, cold hand wrap around mine. I looked at her in question. She turned red and moved to take it away but I caught it quickly, lacing my fingers with hers. I saw her smile out the corner of my eye.

"Thank you." Her voice was very small.

"Thank you too."

We both knew what for.

She looked up at me, her eyes, those fucking glorious eyes that had struck me the first time I saw them, glowing like sapphires, big with sincerity. We stopped. 

"I'm glad you were on that roof Billie Joe Armstrong."

"I'm glad you found me there Annabel Winters."

And as the night began to creep into the sky and the lights of the little houses were beginning to be turned on by the little people, we kept walking. The refineries sparkled in the dark like Christmas lights, and we kept walking. 

And Rodeo, in that moment, was beautiful.


A/N thanks for reading! this is the end of this part. thank you all so much for all the comments, i'm glad you liked it! i'm considering doing a sequel to 16 because there's a lot more i want to write about so tell me what you reckon about that. thanks again for reading!!!! 

Update: the sequel is called "No One Knows" xxx

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