Chapter 3: The Yoda T-Shirt

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"Come on then!" Mona grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the throng of people.

I was immediately bombarded by the curious kids, just like I had hoped I wouldn't. I'm not a very shy person, but still I'm not a HUGE lover of attention.

"Annabel, this is Gary, Jesse, Amber and Sarah. Guys this is Annabel."

Mona was obviously enjoying all the fuss as I was introduced to countless names and faces.

I was in the kitchen with a drink that had somehow ended up in my hand, smiling politely and not really contributing much to the conversation when a guy that was obviously drunk as hell slammed straight into me, causing me to spill the vile smelling alcohol all over my shirt.

"Oh shit sorry darling! You right? " The dude slurred, and I swallowed my pride and said I was ok and wandered off to find a bathroom.

I had gotten up the stairs and down the hall when I bumped into a boy that was leaning against the threshold.

"Sorry." I muttered, but I suddenly felt a grip on my wrist, spinning me back towards the stranger.

He had a sly smirk on his face, his eyes hooded with what probably was beer and lust.

"Leaving so fast baby?" He grinned, not loosening his hold on me.

"Let me go." I demanded, tugging against him, feeling anger and a bit of fear building in my stomach.

"Aww don't be that way baby...I know something that would be fun we can do..."

He moved closer to me, hands snaking around my waist to grab my ass. I gasped and struggled in his tight lock, literally two seconds away from punching the asshole in the face when I heard someone call down the hall in an angry voice.

"Hey! I don't think she's interested."

We both turned to find a guy pacing up to us. He was tall and skinny with gangly limbs, shaggy brown hair, sharp cheekbones and dark blue eyes.

My harasser rolled his eyes, but let me go none the less.

"And I believe that you owe this girl an apology." The brown-haired kid crossed his arms, raising his eyebrows. 

"Sorry..." The guy mumbled and then disappeared down the stairs to rejoin the party.

We stood in silence for a moment, and I let out a deep breath that I didn't even know I was holding.

"Th-Thank you." I stammered, dropping my eyes to my shoes and brushing the hair out of my face.

"It's no problem. I'm sorry you had to deal with that asshole. Oh, I'm Mike by the way. Mike Dirnt."

"Annabel." I shook his hand and his eyes lit up with familiarity.

"Oh! You're the one everyone's talking about!"

I gave a small smile and shrugged, not really knowing what to say but:

"Do you know where the bathroom is? I got my drink spilt all over my shirt."

"Oh! Yeah it's just down this way." He beckoned me to follow him further down the hall until we came to a closed door. He gave me a sideways look and knocked.

"Occupied!'" Someone yelled from indoors, followed by what must have been the sounds of spewing.

He grimaced and gave me an apologetic look.

"Shit..." I muttered, looking down at my drenched shirt. Suddenly, he seemed to have been struck with an idea.

"Wait, hold on come this way." He grabbed my hand and pulled me into another room, a bedroom.

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