Chapter 2: The Second-Hand Joint

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"Roll roll roll a joint twist it at the ends, light it up and take a puff and pass it to your friends..."

The person next to me sang loudly and obnoxiously. I turned to the source of the somewhat-screeching and was met by a cloud of smoke, followed by a pair of sparkling blue eyes and a devilish grin.

"Do you mind?" I coughed, winding down the window quickly to fan away the aroma of weed.

"Not at all. Tré Cool at your service madam." The green-haired kid extended a hand to me, which I shook.


"Like the shirt." He gestured with his joint, taking another drag and blowing it all in my face.

"Thanks." I glared, coughing again.

"Now tell me, what's a pretty girl like you, doing in a town like this?" He asked, invading my personal space as he leaned closer into my face. I could barely breathe through the smell of weed.

"That's none of your concern pot head." I retorted, crossing my arms and staring out the window.

"Aw come on Anna banana, don't be like that. I've got something that might help you out..."

I turned to him.


He laughed, and I couldn't help but smile a little. This guy's vibe was kind of infectious. He offered me the joint and I made my eyes wide with theatricality.

"Weed? Oh I never would of guessed! It's not like you've been blowing it in my face for the last 5 minutes!"

He laughed again, shaking his head a bit in disbelief.

"Wow, that sarcasm was killer. You always like this?"

"No...Just around assholes that are trying to get me high." I giggled. Oh god, I think I was getting high.

"I think I'm succeeding. But seriously it's a lot better if you get it first hand."

Before I could protest he pushed the joint into my mouth. I looked at him. He looked at me. He rolled his wrist in a sort of "and breathe"  gesture.

I took a long drag, and immediately started coughing again.  After I handed him back the joint, he blew perfect ovals, one after the other. I couldn't believe I had taken a joint from a random guy I had just met. I never took drugs. What the hell was wrong with me?

"So Annabel... what is your opinion on our humble little hamlet?"

"It's hot. And there's no otters in your lagoon. The travel book said you have otters but I didn't see any."

"Oh. You must have been very disappointed."

"I was. I got up early and biked out there and everything. Then it rained and I dropped my thermos and coffee spilt everywhere."

Ok. I was seriously getting high.

"That's terrible. The injustice and suffering in the world is intolerable!"

I pouted at his words and he cracked up, wrapping an arm around me.

"Don't even think about it mister." I warned as his hand came down to creep towards my chest.

"Are you questioning my honourable intentions?" His innocent baby blue eyes sparkled as he put a palm to his heart to mock pain.

"God you're an idiot."

"Thank you mademoiselle."

"De rien monsieur."

Suddenly Mona turned around to face us.

"Is he annoying you? If he's annoying you tell him to fuck off. He's a moron."

"Love you too Mona baby!" He winked at her, and she rolled her eyes before turning back around.

I couldn't help but laugh at that.

 "So, what do you do for fun besides smoke weed and piss people off?"

"I'm a necrophiliac and a haemophiliac, but I also play drums in a band and... OH MY GOD TURN THE MUSIC UP FUCKERS!"

I jumped at his abrupt outburst as I he leant to the front of the car to crank up the volume, and soon the Replacements blasted through the whole vehicle. He began to sing along loudly and obnoxiously, as the rest of them groaned and told him to shut up.

"Come on, don't tell me you don't know the Replacements Anna banana." He gave me a challenging look. I raised my eyebrows and belted out "Hangin' Downtown" with him as the verse picked up again. He grinned and we continued to play air guitar and air drums until the whole song was over. Panting, he blew kisses to our imaginary audience, yelling out "Thank you, thank you! Oh, thank you for the bras ladies! I like the sign out there! "Tré Cool have my babies". Oh you're too kind!"

I shoved his shoulder, cracking up as I began to feel happy that I had decided (or was forced) to come along.

"We're here!" The driver announced, and we all began to clamber out into the warm dusk air.

Tré grinned at me as I stood up, his short, built body decked in a pair of dickies shorts, a brown jacket and a pair of busted up converses.

"It was a pleasure  to meet you Anna banana. I hope to see you very soon."

He did an extravagant bow, to which I laughed and curtseyed to.

"Likewise Tré Cool."

"And just for putting up with me, I'll let you in on a close guarded secret."

He leant to my ear and dropped his voice to a whisper.

"My name's actually Frank Edwin Wright III."

Then he pulled away, that devil grin plastered on his face before he gave me a wink and disappeared with the other boys into the over-flowing house.

A/N Enter the story my favourite drummer!!! Tell me if the chapters are too/long or short by the way. I like this length but it might vary. I hope your day is Tré Cool! (Haha I made a punny...) 

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