Goodbye father

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~1 week later~
"Flight 8768 from Toronto has now landed" said a automated speaker over a tannoy at the airport, I didn't really want to come and get my sister from the airport I hate coming to airports they are so busy and full of people which I hate, I looked at the arrivals door and my sister came out of the door with her husband and 2 kids. "UNCLE PAUL" my nephews said before running towards me and giving me a hug "God I've missed you 2" I said before hugging them for a while. I stood up and hugged my sister and greeted my brother in law. "It's a shame we couldn't meet on good circumstances" I said whilst hugging my sister "I know but the main thing is we are here for how ever long you need us" Tim my brother in law said. I loaded their luggage into my car before driving them to my house "wow this place is huge" Michael my nephew said "mummy can we live here permanently?" Oliver my other nephew said.

We all got out of the car before Denise greeted my sister "it's so nice to meet you all" Denise said before inviting everyone in. "Now boys this is your cousin her name is Rosie" my sister said before showing the boys their new cousin. Tim pulled me outside whilst he was unloading the car "Carol is trying to keep it together but I can tell she struggling, she really does need you Paul and not the other way round" Tim said before passing me a suitcase "I know I've changed now Denise and Rosie have changed me into a man and not the troublesome teenager I used to be" I replied before taking their luggage to the guest rooms, my dads funeral is tomorrow, I contacted my aunt in France but she said she didn't want to go neither did my mother. My dad was never a popular man but mother should be there although they hated each other's guts they were married and she should be there for her kids and grandkids....

It was the next day the day we've all been dreading, we all got ready we debated for a while weather Michael and Oliver should go they are only 5 & 7 years old. But it's for the best they never knew their grandad so this is the only opportunity for them to ever get near him. We got a friend to babysit Rosie whilst we all got into a car and headed to a church it was a small turnout well it was only us there but it's better than no one. After the service was over we headed over and buried my dad his gravestone made of solid marble and carved on it was the following
Samuel Carl Landson
18th May 1946 - 27th September 2015
Father, son and friend
May he rest in piece

I couldn't concentrate all I could think about was the fact the real murderer wasn't in prison he was out and stalking us and he won't stop here someone else is gunna get hurt and this time he's coming for me to ruin my life so he can get me out the picture before moving onto Denise. "Hey why don't you and Denise and Rosie have a week away you've been through a lot maybe a break is what you need" carol said turning to us "I don't think that's a goo..." I said before being interrupted by Denise "sounds like a good idea, any recommendations?" Denise replied "Greece is good this time of year we went a few months back and had a blast" Carol replied before walking away Denise turned to me "I'm not stupid Paul I know it was David here last week and I know he was responsible for your dads death maybe a vacation is what is needed then we can deal with David later" she said "I'm not taking no for an answer" she added before walking away. I sat for a while next to the grave when I saw a shadow out of the corner of my eye "who's there?" I said before shooting up "Oh don't mind me I just wanted to pay my respects" a voice said and I knew it was David "you've got a nerve" I said clenching my fists I swung to punch him but he grabbed my hand "are you sure you want to do that? I'll be careful if I was you Paul otherwise you'll be in that box next" he said smiling before kicking me to the ground "oh and a vacation to Greece doesn't mean you'll be safe I have contacts everywhere every second of every hour I'm watching you both its just a matter of me torturing you both to the point you will break and then I'll be happy" he said looking at me before walking away. I got back up and headed back to the others slightly shaking by what just happened.

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