And we thought he was gone....

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~2 months later~
"It was so good to spend time with you and to meet my little niece" my sister said whilst hugging me, "It's been great having you here I'll have to come to Canada to see you next" I replied trying to hold back my emotions, Carol has been my rock the past 2 months to help me sort out family stuff but her kids have to go back to school so it's understandable and me and Denise are going away tomorrow anyway for our first family vacation but I'm worried we aren't gunna be the only ones on this trip. We hope to lost David's trace and are instead going to Spain for our vacation instead, I waved my sister and her husband and kids goodbye as they walked through to the departure terminal. I turned away and pushed Rosie's buggy back to the car and drove me and her back home.

"Hey I'm back" I shouted up the stairs to Denise "I'll be down in a minute just finishing packing" she replied whilst zipping up a suitcase. She came down and put some stuff in the kitchen before coming over to me "This vacation is for you to take your mind of things, you don't know how grateful I am your still with me even after all what David has done to you" she said and kissed me on the cheek "It's fine, how can I ever dump you? Your the mother to my child and you've done nothing but support me" I replied and hugged her.

3:30am and my alarm clock rings ugh I cannot be bothered to get out of bed but if I don't we'll miss out flight. Denise got ready whilst I packed a few more of Rosie's things and got her loaded into her child seat. We got into the taxi and headed for the airport for the 2nd time within the space of 24 hours. A few hours later we arrived at departures and checked in. Before I know we are on the plane taxiing to the runway when a note was dropped in my lap from the guy sat behind me "Guess this is your little trip then? Aww gunna propose are we? Sweet and I'll be there to see it, don't ever double cross me again -David" I looked at the guy behind me "Don't shoot the messenger some guy gave me that note and paid me to give it to the guy sat in front of me which I guess was you" he snapped and looked away. "What's that all about?"Denise said looking concerned "Oh just some guy kicking my chair he's stopped now" I replied reassuring her.

3 1/2 hours later and we touched down in Spain and got a taxi to the hotel, Denise went to bed whilst I got things ready for tomorrow I'm planning to take her to a secret beach I used to go to when I came on holiday here more than 14 years ago there I'm gunna propose to her it's only going to be a good time too as back in the UK we are both always stressed this way nothing bad will happen unless David is there like what it says in his note.... Morning came and we visited a few local shops before I headed to this beach with Denise and Rosie, we sat there for a while before I got up and told Denise too she grabbed Rosie and got up "Ever since we met 1 year ago today I've had lots of fun with you well apart from you know, and I want the fun times to continue so we can be a family, so Denise will you marry me?" I said before getting on one knee, she started crying in a good way before accepting I put the ring on her finger and we hugged "We can get through this together, I love you" I said.

The rest of the holiday was well a casual holiday sightseeing, shopping and sleeping. Pretty normal right? It was our final day when I got a call in the early hours of the morning "Hello Mr Landson, I'm so sorry to be calling at such a bad hour but I'm afraid there is a man at reception who is insisting he talks to you right at this moment" the hotels receptionist said "Who is he?" I replied still half asleep "I'm not sure do you want me to call the police?" She replied "No it's alright I'll be down now although no one I know is here in Spain..." I grabbed a jacket and left Rosie and Denise in the room, I jogged to reception to be told this strange man who was requesting me has ran off weird right? I walked back to my hotel room when I heard a baby screaming Rosie? I ran and the door was wide open and Rosie was stood in her cot balling her eyes out Denise no where to be seen, a note was left on the bed "I'm not a good guy anymore Paul I've got what I've wanted and I've won, good luck getting Denise back now, call the police and she dies, sit this one out if you know what's good for you -David". This can't be he's kidnapped Denise? How can I return to the UK and not tell anyone she could be in so much danger he could kill her.... I sat in my room for the day debating on what to do I'll return to England and decide from there. I don't know how I can just sit back and let some nutcase take my soon to be wife.....

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