The Plane Ride

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Taylor's POV

I held her hand as we climbed onto the plane. Our bags were being carried behind us. She stepped onto the plane and gasped. I asked her why she was so shocked and she just gestured everywhere around her. Not saying a word. I just stood there as she took in her surroundings. Noticing every detail around her, yet not hoarding everything in her mind that was being recorded. I just admired her observant nature.

Alex's POV

It was gorgeous! I took one step on the plane and pretty much ditched the people around me and transported to a new world that was just the details of my life. The plane was almost as large as a school cafeteria. It had soft, thick, carpet that covered the floor. The white leather seats were located only on the sides of the jet, very similar to the limousine that Taylor owns. I assumed it was to allow full comfort and accessibility down the aisle to the bathroom. I decided to go see what type of bathroom he had installed when I saw something unnerving. I saw a, though pretty, black lace thong that WAS NOT mine. I decided to put my faith in Taylor and just ask him about it.

           "Taylor?" I asked quietly

          "Ya babe?" He plainly replied.

          "Why is this," I picked up the thong from his suitcase, "Here?"

          "Umm, that was from one of the times that we were, um, taking a break, um, ya know." He seemed extremely nervous. Almost like he didn't want me to know something.

          "If it's Morgan's, she already told me about you guys. Babe it's okay, I understand that you do love her. Love is a strong thing that you can't choose. I understand." I reassured him, hoping that he would return the favor and admit that it was hers so that I could know that it wasn't him cheating on me.

          "Um, ya, it's Morgan's. Sorry babe, I know you don't like me talking about it." He said quietly. I decided to shove away my suspicions and just accept the answer. I started laughing uncontrollably. He asked me what I was doing I just said in an incredulous voice. "I'm going to Australia, with my boyfriend, Taylor Lautner." He shrugged and turned away. I remembered that I was going to look at the bathroom and started walking back over there. I yelped as I was swept off my feet and cradled like a little baby. Taylor started kissing my cheeks and growling as I giggled. He threw me onto the couch and crawled on top of me. "Taylor Daniel Lautner! I am not having sex on an airplane!" I screeched.

          "Be grateful, it could be a public plane." He said playfully. I gasped as he laughed loudly.

          "You are so nasty!" I said. "You would never do that!"

          "Try me" He said back, testing me. I was about to answer something really witty when he shut me up by passionately kissing me. We moved together. His touch was so familiar, yet so new because it had been so long. I realized that I hadn't seen the plane yet, so I pulled back from his lips and got up off of the couch. I walked into the bathroom and quickly jumped back out realizing that had taken off my flip-flops and the tile was FREEZING. Grabbing my shoes and walking back into the bathroom, I saw that there was just as much to admire in the bathroom as there was in the actual plane. Complete with granite sinks and a sunroof, the coolest thing was by far the shower. It had a heavy, gray, glass door that I slid open. Inside, there was a touch-screen control panel about the size of an open computer. On it, you could control the water pressure, the water temperature, the aim of the shower head, and all the soaps, shampoos, and conditioners. It was definitely a sight that most people will never experience.

          Later that evening, when I took a shower, I discovered that it will actually apply the soaps to your body. Afterwards, I walked out of the bathroom with only a towel on because I had forgot to grab clothes before I took my shower. I quickly located a pair of pajamas and slipped them on. As I jumped in bed, I thought about how when I woke up, I would be in Australia. I clung to that thought as I fell asleep soundly. I was dreaming of all the things we could go see when I was awoken by Taylor screaming my name. I jumped out of the bed and asked him what was going on.

          "Lex, we're going to crash." He said sacredly.

          "Wait, what?" I asked quietly.

          "We're going to crash Alex. To the ocean. We are going down!!!!!" He yelled at me. I started screaming as my stomach dropped from the plane rapidly falling. I hugged Taylor and took a deep breath as we fell from the sky. Unsure of what would happen next.


hey so as promised here's my chapter. I accidentally said Tuesday when I meant Thursday so sorry for the mix up and the wait but I think you'll enjoy the next few chapters. don't be shy and please comment. thanks for reading. xoxo

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