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Alex's POV

    The plane was going down quickly and I didn't know what to do about it. There wasn't anything I could do. I fell to the floor and waited for us to crash, hoping I'd survive. Just as we neared the ground, something made the plane jump. The co-pilot rushed out to tell us that the emergency engine kicked in and that we weren't going to crash. I breathed a sigh of relief and started crying. Taylor just laughed, tearing up a bit but not fully crying like I was. I stood up and jumped into Taylor's arms. He caught me and spun me around. Absolute glee overwhelming us. We could've died, but somehow, with a twist of luck intervening, we managed to get through it.

         "So are we still going to Australia? I mean, we did just almost become pancakes." I laughed dryly, not at all thinking it was funny. I was just trying to lighten up the somber mood.

         "Well, ya. I mean I see no reason not to go if were this close and nothing is wrong with the plane anymore. So what do you say we go and freshen up, dry those tears, and grab our carry-ons. We're about twenty minutes away from the airport. Okay?" He asked me, uncertain of my emotional state.

    I just nodded and went to go freshen up my make-up. I quickly jogged over to my seat and grabbed my bag with my make-up, headphones, gum, phone, and Ipad. I slipped into the bathroom and tiredly stood in front of the mirror. Because I had no sleep at all, I had dark circles under my red, puffy eyes. I expertly applied foundation, blending with my neck to make it look natural. Next I applied I small amount of concealer, to hide the stupid dark circles. After that I silently swiped on some blush. Coated my eyelashes with mascara, and finally pulled my hair up into a high ponytail. After I deemed myself somewhat presentable I padded out of the bathroom only to hear the captain announcing our arrival to Sydney, asking politely in his monotone voice to have us sit down.

    I obliged and sat in my seat. in less than a minute I saw through my window that we were nearing the runway on the flat ground below. I watched as we landed smoothly on the paved runway. As the plane slowed to a stop, I grabbed my headphones and slid them on top of my head. I clicked shuffle and the first song that popped up was Warrior By Ke$ha. As we were getting off the plane I started quietly singing along...

We were born to break the doors down, fight until the end

it's something that's inside of us it's how we've always been, ya

warrior -ior -ior


warrior -ior -ior

warrior -ior

   Just as it went to the next part, my phone blasted out I'll be there by Chris Wallace. Indicating that Morgan was calling. I had left her a note before I left when I came back to get my stuff because she was sleeping. I braced myself for what she was about to say and unlocked my phone.

          "ALEXIS LORRAINE WHITCRAFT!!!!!!!!! YOU WENT TO AUSTRALIA WITH TAYLOR AND DIDN'T EVEN BOTHER TO WAKE ME UP TO SAY GOODBYE! I thought we had made up for everything. why did you not wake me?" She asked, starting to sound more hurt than angry.

          "It's just that you looked so peaceful, and I- I um- I just- didn't want to wake you." I choked out, my nervous stutter starting to peak through. Hoping she wouldn't notice that I was jealous that my boyfriend had admitted his love for her just after she admitted her love for him. Now I was caught in the middle and the confusion was tearing me apart. After I said that, Morgan just hung up. I didn't stress about it though because Morgan was very bipolar. She would get over it soon enough. So I just decided to wait out the storm, instead of try to reason with it. I felt a large hand on my shoulder, and I turned around to see Taylor smiling at me.

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