Author's note

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Ok. This is not a chapter. im sorry for keeping you all waiting but I have a terrible case of writers block and I cant get over it. ive been thinking over my chapter for a while and I only have the beginning. Sorry but I just don't know what to do next and im still trying to figure it out. I probably lost a lot of readers, if anyone actually has this added to their library. idk. What do you guys think I should do with the story?? I need help because I cant think of anything. So please please please if you have any ideas please comment because I need something. im stuck in a rut and I cant climb out. I need your help. please. im begging you. Help me with some ideas. I guess that's all I have to say. anyway please help. I love you if you do. byeeeeeeee!!!! 

Taylor Lautner, Really?Where stories live. Discover now