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-Shane's POV-

Shortly before sunset, Drew heads out to get some meat to stop us from fighting again tonight. The longer he's gone, the more I'm on edge, starting to worry that maybe he won't come back. I let out a sigh in relief when the doorbell rings and answer it very quickly.

"Hello sir, we heard there must've been a break in last night. Do you mind if we take a look around?" A complete stranger asks as him and a group of men push pass me to do what they requested.

"Um, excuse me, yes I do mind. Get out of my house!" I snap at them as they start looking through my things.

I freeze up when I notice that some of them are holding rifles, smelling the chilling scent of silver.

Shit! Drew, where the hell are you?

"Look, there's blood. Wanna bet it belongs to Drew Woolnough?" One of the men point out when they spot a few drops of blood from when I was carrying him to my room.

"If you don't leave my home, right now, I'm going to call the Police!" I growl at them, starting to become increasingly nervous as the sun gets dangerously low.

They just ignore me and continue searching through my things.

"I mean it! Get the hell outta my house!" I yell at them.

Once again they pay no mind to me, making me pick up the landline. When I dial '999' I can feel that all too familiar pang of pain rushing straight through me. The men stop what they're doing to pay attention to me, some even pointing their guns at me.

"He's changing!" One of them works out.

I try to pull myself back to my feet, making a run for the basement and the cage in the hope that they won't kill me if they see I'm not a threat to humanity. They immediately chase after me and laugh when I've locked myself in the cage.

"A cage, that's very considerate of you." The one I assume is in charge smirks.

"P-please stay back!" I plead after feeling my sight changing to match a wolf's.

They surround the cage, a few of them even tapping the bars of it to see me flinch.

My ears prick up to a howl in the distance, recognising it as Drew as he gives a lousy excuse for being late.

The other men notice this and start to get worried. "Could that be Drew Woolnough?" One of them checks, tightening his grip on the gun he's holding.

"They must be in a pack together, my guess is he's headed right here." The man in charge calmly replies, crouching down to be level with me as I try to fight back against the change. "Those injuries you've got, you've fought with him, haven't you?"

I glare at him for a while, growling "Stay away from him." in a voice which is a mixture between my usual voice and a wolfish snarl.

The man only smirks and waits for my inevitable change to happen. "Don't use silver on him, use the tranquilliser." He orders his men.

I howl in an attempt to warn Drew but it's cut short by a pinprick in the back of one of my hind legs. After snarling at the men viciously, everything goes black.

-Drew's POV-

The sound of a familiar howl makes me worry.

Is he in trouble?

When I get close to his home, I pick up on a chilling scent.

Silver! He needs my help.

I let out another howl in the hope that he can answer but when I don't receive a reply, I run as fast as I can to his home.

When I enter, I find myself in front of a group of men, carrying an unconscious wolf out from the basement.


I stay blocking the front door and snarl at them, feeling the hairs at the back of my neck rising.

The men look somewhat scared before asking each other what to do. After receiving an answer they point their guns at me, temporarily putting my pack leader down.

I don't let the sight of guns threaten me and pounce at the nearest human to bite off his head. This makes the others panic and start shooting, although they keep missing as I rip at the man's neck. When he stops struggling and I know that he's dead, I look up to snarl at the others to scare them off. As I do, one of them shoots me in the chest.


I let out a mixture between a bark and a whimper and stagger away from them trying to lick the wound clean. Eventually I become light headed and lie down after crawling next to Barrone, licking him with a weak whining sound.

One of the men pulls me away from him by the back of my neck. I snarl at them and bark viciously, trying to bite them but another one forces me into a muzzle. I shake my head violently as I try to dislodge it. When it doesn't work I just snarl at them, occasionally whimpering at the pain of the silver bullet.

The men simply use the fact that I'm wounded to pick Barrone up again and carry him out of there. I try to follow them but I only make it to the door before collapsing.

My sight starts blurring and it starts to become difficult to breathe. I cry out desperately for help, noticing another wolf like creature entering, following its nose all the way to me.

It whines sympathetically as it starts licking my face. I try licking it in return but I become too weak to lift my head. As the poison gets deeper in my bloodstream, I start to change back into my human form.

The other wolf also changes back into a human and I can feel him resting his hand against my cheek, moving the muzzle away from me.

"H-how can y-you do that?" I gasp, blinking in an attempt to focus my blurring vision.

"When you've been a wolf long enough, you don't need the moon to change." He answers.

I nod weakly, starting to feel myself growing faint, completely dizzy.

"No, no, no, stay with me!" He panics, tapping the side of my face frantically.

I moan as I try to stay awake. "S-silver. I'm d-dying." I manage to explain.

"Don't worry, you're not going to die, I promise." He tells me, looking through a strange satchel before pulling out something resembling a needle.

"Wh-what's th-that?" I whimper.

"A cure." He replies, flicking my arm with his other hand before pressing the needle into the arm and emptying its contents.

I let out another weak whimper in fear until losing consciousness.

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