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When we get back to Luke's house, I'm almost in tears at the sight of Drew sleeping.

I immediately grab onto him and hug him, inadvertently waking him up.

"I thought you were dead! You idiot! I told you to be back before sunrise!" I yell at him, shaking his shoulders a little before just hugging him again.

He also hugs me tightly in return. "I'm so glad to know you're okay." He smiles.

I pull away again, planting a kiss on his forehead. This makes Kier chuckle, causing Drew to instantly to give Kier a questioning and defensive look.

"Who are you?" He asks Kier immediately, his eyes narrowing at the strong smell of perfume.

"My name's Kier." Kier tells him. "We were locked up together." He adds.

Drew gives me a look as if to check if he's okay with me. I nod to let him know he's fine.

"You smell strange." Drew murmurs.

Kier nods awkwardly, clearly not really wanting to reveal his handicap to more strangers.

"I think some clothes would be nice." I suggest.

Luke nods and heads off into another room. When he returns, he's got two sets of clothes. "Sorry they might be oversized for you two but it's all I have."

"Don't worry, any clothes is good enough after that." I tell him.

"Yeah, it's definitely been a while since I've worn anything." Kier adds cheerfully, pulling on the oversized shirt and getting in the shorts that go down to half his shins. "Do you have a belt?" He chuckles.

Luke smirks and pulls a few out. I accept them as I try to find my way through his clothes, putting them on and sighing at the warmth.

I can tell that Drew wants to ask me a lot of questions but he can't seem to focus his eyes on anything. I look down to where he was shot with a sad look, stroking his hair softly. He snuggles to be more comfortable before just closing his eyes.

I'm just about to wake him up again when Luke stops me. "Let him rest. It's the only way his body can get rid of the poison."

I nod, stroking his hair a little more.

There's a calming silence although I can almost sense the fact that Luke's pack are still afraid of me for what I did back there.

Kier breaks the silence by speaking up. "Thanks a lot for taking me in, is it okay if I stay here for a while until I can convince Laurence to take me back?" He asks softly.

Luke smiles. "Since I can change any time I want to, I could go looking for him now if you want." He politely offers.

"No, I'd rather spend a bit of time losing the stench of perfume. If you do get to finding him too soon, he still won't be able to recognise me because of the blasted smell." He replies.

Luke understands. "Stay for as long as you need." He replies.

I notice that one of Luke's dogs has started licking the side of Drew's face. The sight makes me smile but the second they see me, their tail drops between their legs and they whimper away from me.

Luke gives me a warning glance before he lets out a calming sigh. "You're hardly ever around other werewolves or even dogs, are you?" He works out.

"Drew was the first other wolf I've ever met." I admit.

"I can imagine social interactions aren't your strong point. It's true for any animal in isolation or cut off from others to be extremely dangerous. My pack can see that in you and they are afraid." He explains. "You've been a lone wolf all this time and you must've only recently met Drew. He's only submissive to you so that you don't take him as a threat and kill him, that's just what the beast in you would do." He adds.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2016 ⏰

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