The Wolf Smelling of Flowers

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-Shane's POV-

When I wake up again, I'm lying in a white cell, naked again. I jump up and try to cover myself, looking around to see if there are any clothes. I let out an irritated sigh when I don't see anything, starting to pick up a strong scent of perfume.

After a moment of trying to concentrate, I manage to pick up the scent of Drew on me.

What happened?

I sit up sharply, hitting my head on the top of the cell. The pain makes me clutch onto it with a groan.

"Are you okay?" A man sitting in an identical cell next to me checks.

"Yeah, that took me by surprise. Where are we?" I ask him politely, shivering a little at the cold.

"Honestly, I have no idea. All I remember was I turned and found a lovely piece of fresh meat but then I must've fell asleep and woke up in here." He explains.

"A trap." I work out.

"Precisely. Now they've dosed me up with perfume so I can't smell anything anymore." He complains.

"I can still smell just fine, in fact..." I trail off when a catch a whiff of blood and silver from Drew's scent. "Oh God." I gasp.

"What?" The other man asks.

"His scent is all over me as well as blood and silver..." I recall shakily. "They killed him. He tried to save me and they killed him!" I growl.

"Oh, I'm sorry." The other man sighs. "Every full moon night I howl in the hope that maybe Laurence could hear me but I've had no luck so far." He adds sadly. "I'm starting to think maybe they killed him too."

"What's your name?" I force myself to smile to try not to think about Drew's dead body probably lying somewhere where no one can find him.

"Kier, you?" He also forces a smile, probably thinking the same thing I am at the moment.

"Shane." I reply. "How long have you...?" I trail off slightly, not too sure on how to word it politely.

"Two years." He answers, giving me a subtle nod to return the question.

"Oh, um three." I tell him. He nods understandingly. "Not that it's a competition." I add awkwardly.

"Trust me, I know it's not." He chuckles bitterly.

I take a moment to also let out an awkward laugh. "Nice tats."

"Thanks." He smiles. "You have gorgeous fur." He returns the compliment.

I can't help but blush a little. "Thank you. That's very sweet of you." I add.

"You're welcome." He smirks confidently for a moment before the sounds of footsteps approaches, teamed up with the smell of raw meat.

"Eat up." A man grunts, tossing the slab in our cages.

Kier takes it and hungrily bites into it but I hesitate.

"Umm, excuse me b-but..." I try to get the man's attention. "I'm, erhm I'm vegetarian." I manage in a meek voice.

The man only laughs at me at the sound of this as he just leaves us, repeating the words 'vegetarian' and 'animal' in between his wheezes for breath.

-Drew's POV-

When I regain consciousness, there's a small dog licking my face. I reach out and scratch it between the ears until I start feeling faint again and have to stop.

The small dog lets out a high pitched bark before running off. I try to see where it's going but my vision blurs again. I groan in irritation as well as at the throbbing headache, closing my eyes in an attempt to refocus.

Soon I hear footsteps coming towards me. I tremble as a large hand strokes my hair but calm down a little when it becomes clear that this person isn't going to hurt me.

"How are you feeling?" A voice asks me.

"B-bad." I manage to whimper. "I'm d-dying, I-"

"-You're not dying, you're lucky I found you in time." He tells me calmingly. "That bullet could've killed you."

I try to sit up but I'm met with great pain.

The other man gently lies me back down again. "Here, drink this." He states as he brings a glass to my mouth. I hesitantly drink it, spluttering a little at how bad it tastes. "I know it tastes disgusting but you need to drink as much of it up as you can to regather your strength."

Nodding a little, I drink all of it, still feeling weak and out of breath. "Wh-who are y-you?" I manage, trying everything I can to focus my eyes on him.

"My name's Luke, I heard your friend call for help and went to try to figure out what was going on, then you got shot and I thought it'd be best if I wait for the threat to leave and then save your life." He explains, tapping the side of my face gently when my eyelids drop. "How many fingers am I holding up?"

I force myself to focus on his hand, seeing fingers everywhere. "T-twelve." I tell him.

He shakes his head with a sigh. "Looks like it's going to take longer than I thought."

I tremble and look around. "Wh-where am I?" I whine. "I d-don't know wh-where I am!"

He is very quick to reassure me. "I took you to my home, you're safe here, nothing's going to hurt you, I promise." He also rests his hand against my forehead to check my temperature. "You're sweating but you're really cold." He observes before shining a small light in my eyes.

I let out a quiet moan and try to close my eyes but he simply holds open my eyelids to continue giving me a check-up.

"Dammit, stay right here!" He tells me before running off.

Like I could move... I think sarcastically.

When he comes back he wraps something around my arm tightly. I'm about to complain about it but he's already pressed a needle into a vein. I whine at the pain before trying to catch his attention, feeling myself slipping away again.

He simply strokes my fringe out of my eyes. "It's better for you if you sleep this off." He tells me. "Trust me, it's what your body wants."

I whimper a little in fear before letting myself drift off to sleep.

Please don't be dead Barrone!

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