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-Kier's POV-

"PLEASE LET ME GO HOME!" Shane cries out.

"Shane, stop it." I try, seeing that he's getting even more angry by the second.

"LET ME GO!" Shane continues to yell.

I flinch when his eyes change into a wolf's eyes. "Shane, stop it!" I gasp, recoiling immediately.

"BRING ME BACK!" Shane screams, his voice changing into a vicious snarling.

"What are you doing? It's not worth it!" I try, starting to be afraid that he's completely losing control.

He keeps trying to break out of the cage, actually rocking the thing.

I try to reach out to rest a hand on his shoulder but when I touch him it's only fur.

He immediately turns around and bites my arm, breaking the bone. I scream at the pain but he only shakes his head viciously.

"STOP IT SHANE!" I plead.

The sound of me screaming in pain makes the men come back into the room, aiming their tranquillisers at Shane.

"P-please don't shoot!" I beg.

Shane just crushes my arm even more with his jaws, making me scream at the pain.

The men swap their guns for cattle prods to distract Shane's attention now that he's a full on wolf.

I don't understand. It's the middle of the day.

I keep trying to beg the men to leave him alone but they simply poke him with cattle prods.

This makes him a whole lot more aggressive and he starts trying to break out of the cage, getting angrier and more aggressive by the second. He stops for a moment to howl loudly, as if he's summoning his pack.

I can feel a spark of hope rising when I hear a distant howl in reply.

That's Laurence! He's found me!

"What is it saying?" One of the men demand from me, grabbing my broken arm and twisting it to put me in more pain.

"I d-don't know!" I whine.

"Liar!" Another one snaps, slapping my face aggressively. "He's hiding something from us – a plan to escape perhaps!" That one hisses at me.

"I'm t-telling the truth!" I plead.

"Put them in the same cage together." One of the men orders.

They all start pushing the cage I'm in, clipping it onto Shane's with metal bolts.

"No please! I don't know what you did to him but he'd kill me!" I beg.

"Then tell us what he's saying!" The one I know is the highest ranked demands.

"It's just savage! It doesn't make any sense! I swear, I'm not lying!" I tell them desperately. "Don't lock me in the same cage as him, please, he'd rip me apart!"

They laugh at my panic and prod Shane with another cattle prod to make him even more furious.

He starts trying to bite the cage to break out of it, scratching it with his claws as if he's trying to peel it open.

"Are you lot crazy? You're just making him too angry to react reasonably!" I gasp, whimpering when he starts attacking the thin protection between me and him.

Another howl, a lot closer, brings me back to thinking of Laurence.

"What's that wolf saying?" They ask me.

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