Large Black Wolf

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-Luke's POV-

After leaving Drew, I head directly to the place where I found him, remembering that it had the scent everywhere of the other wolf. When I get there, the rest of the pack scatter themselves inside.

It doesn't take long for me to pick up the scent of Drew's pack leader, noticing that there's also the trail of another wolf who's only just arrived.

I stop for a moment, hearing a low growl, realising that the other wolf is still here.

When it knows that I'm aware of its presence, it steps out of a dimly lit corner, snarling at me.

I take a moment to look at it, knowing that it already knows that I'm a wolf just like him. Some of the members of my pack growl at him just to make sure he knows not to attack me because he's outnumbered.

He has black fur and I can tell that his size is only a little smaller than me when I'm a wolf. The wolf's eyes are brown and I notice that he has a scar on his neck.

Even though the rest of my pack are growling at him, he keeps snarling at me, scrunching up his nose and showing me all of his teeth.

One of my dogs steps a little too close in an attempt to pick up his scent but the large wolf snaps and bites her.

The others bark viciously to get the wolf to let go but it just ignores them. I use this to step in and prise open his jaw to release her.

The wolf keeps snapping his jaws in an attempt to bite me. In reply to this, as a defence, I can feel myself changing.

The other wolf does everything he can to bite my throat but I get around it by climbing up on him to try to be higher than him, pushing him down with my paws. He doesn't let the opportunity pass to try biting my legs to break the bones. I snarl at him and go for his ear, tugging at it viciously. This makes the other wolf go ballistic and he barks and growls before he bites one of my legs, crushing the bone.

I let out a furious snarl and pin him down underneath me.

This is when he finally realises that he's lost but he still growls at me.

The rest of my pack use the fact that he's down to sneak around to pick up his scent. This makes the wolf a whole lot more defensive and he starts trying to slip out from underneath me to attack them.

I keep him solidly down and growl again.

Gradually the wolf comes to a stop and just stares up at me, still scrunching up his nose as he changes into his human form.

I change back as well. "What are you doing here?" I ask him.

He glares angrily at me with the same brown eyes. "I'm looking for someone." He replies simply.

"It just so happens I am too." I tell him. "We should probably work together."

"I'm not going to lower myself to become a member of your pack!" He snaps at me.

"I know, you're a pack leader. I just mean, we can work together, you won't be part of my pack and I won't be a part of yours." I calmly explain.

The other man thinks for a moment before nodding. "Okay, just keep your little puppies out of my way." He adds.

I nod and get off of him, whistling to get my pack to stand down as I help the other man up.

"I would say I'm sorry about your arm but I just needed to be certain that you weren't going to go running to the hunters to report me." He tells me while I start bandaging my arm.

"It's okay, it heals quickly, unless you recently got silver fillings." I joke.

This manages to make the other man smirk. "So, do you have any idea who lives here?" He checks.

"Just another wolf. I've been taking care of the only member of his pack since he was abducted." I reply.

The other man nods. "I think I can smell him on you. He was shot with a silver bullet." He works out.

I nod. "It's a good thing I made it in time." I tell him. "Who are you looking for?" I check.

"A member of my pack. He's not that smart and will do almost anything for food so he fell for a trap that the hunters have set up. I just followed their scent here." He explains.

"I'll get my friend's pack leader out and you'll get your friend out." I offer.

He smiles. "That'd be great. I'm Laurence." He adds, holding out his hand for me to shake it.

I return the handshake. "Luke."

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