Chapter one

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Percy Jackson

I sat on the Santa Monica beach and thought about how I got to where I was today.
" Annabeth we did it we won the war"

I ran up to her and kissed her with all the strength in my body. I was happy the war is over Gaia is back asleep and finally it can be peaceful again.

First we were kissing , now were all standing in the throne room on Olympus. We all bowed to the gods and got back up.

"Children we are brought you here because you have defeated Gaia and sent her into eternal slumber. To show our gratitude we offer you all three wishes" boomed Zeus.

Jason wished for a better powers , to work beside his father and for a relationship filled with love with Piper.

Frank wished for his curse to the stick to be broken, immortality and for a good relationship with hazel.

Leo wished for his power his fire powers to be enhanced, Calypso to be released from her island and a collection of comic books. why I have no idea.

Nico wished to be immortal, to be the ghost king, to work besides Hades.

Thalia wish for her oath to the hunters to be broken, to have her powers heightened and a new bow and arrow.

Piper wished for more makeup, more clothes and for her and Jason's relationship to last.

Hazel wished for her powers to summon any type of metal and and diamonds and jewels, her and Frank's relationship to last and immortality.

Annabeth wished for a new supply books, to work beside her mother and to be the architect for Olympus.

"I Percy Jackson would like a portal between camp half-blood and Camp Jupiter and for Hades and Hestia to get their thrones back and immortality".

Everyone was looking at me shocked at my wishes but complied. Hades walked over to me and gave me a thank you nod. Hestia literally tackled me to the floor. I hugged her back and watched as they went to their new Thrones. They teleported us to camp half-blood and we all sat down on the dining pavilions and talked amongst each other.

Flashback ended.

My life used to be so simple.

All my friend's flocked away from me when a new camper came the son of Zeus. He came screaming running into the camp borders, no one was around yet so I walked to see the Minotaur.

" hey beef head didn't I already defeat you what twice" I ran at him quickly and sliced his head off. I was instantly cover in gold dust.

I turned around and see the boy staring wide eyed.

I walked over to him to see if he was alright when he pushed me and took riptide out of my hands.

Everyone was now walking up to see what the commotion was.

"I just single handedly defeated the beast while he just ran scared behind a tree" everyone turned toward me and glared. Even Annabeth.

That was when it all started. He started blaming me for things I didn't do and telling people how weak I was. He even ruined my friendships with the seven. So I had no friends left it actually made me angry that they would believe someone they had just met over someone they knew for two years. My own father disowned me because of the lies he told.

The only thing I had left was Annabeth. But that quickly changed too.

I was just on the way to the beach where I told Annabeth to meet me to propose, when I looked over a sand dune because I heard moaning to see Zeus's son Aaron pounding Annabeth to the ground.

" Annabeth what the hell" i screamed in rage.

"Percy its not what it looks like" she said as they jumped up to put on their clothes.

" I just saw you having sex with another guy and I was about to propose to you ! "
I screamed .

"You know what fuck you Annabeth its over"I stormed away in the woods ignoring her pleas to come back.

All of a sudden I'm flashed to Olympus.

"Percy Jackson you have been sentenced to death for working with Gaia against us" boomed Zeus.

I stared blankly at him and spoke in a low voice.

" fine but I will tell you one thing when you need me for the next war don't call me"

I watched as he got his lightning bolt and threw it at me all of a sudden I'm developed in a white light.

Percy Jackson The HeartlessWhere stories live. Discover now