Chapter Six

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( The bitc-- I mean girl annabeth)

Third person

The dark figure lurked in the shadows of the room to listen to what they were planning to do to his friend. No one was aware of him lurking.

I have to tell Percy. I have to earn his trust back.


I know what your thinking why would we want an explanation from her but give me a chance. Here what happened I only started dating Percy because of his popularity. Then the new kid Aaron came and he started getting popular and I noticed Percy wasn't so I had to get Aaron to like me.

So me and Aaron were dating for a few weeks and one day Percy caught us having sex on the beach. I hadn't intended for him to catch us.

Then when it was Percy's execution day we were all blinded by Aarons lies we hadn't realised that he was a lying cheating bastard.

When I saw Percy in the IM, I knew I wanted him back. But guess what turns out he's gay . but just wait I'm going to get him back.

I'll do anything to get him back.

Courage Jackson

I woke up next to a naked Apollo. Man does he have one tight ass. I kissed him slowly on the neck and watched him moan. I licked his spot behind his ear and sucked on it leaving a love bite for everyone to see.

I was just about to lick the tip of his cocktail when I felt Steve summoning me. I put on my black sweat pants, white ankle socks and my black roshe runs.

I quickly teleported and ended up in the Avengers tower living room. I looked around to see myself surrounded by S.H.I.E.L.D agents.

" really Steve I thought we were pals" I said while groaning.

Two agents grabbed me and steered me toward the elevator. When the elevator opened I noticed we were on the roof heading towards a huge ship. I turned around to see all the avengers talking to a guy dressed in black with a eye patch.

Gee. Pirate much.

"Thanks a lot Steve I thought we were best friends it was a mutual friendship" I yelled back to him.

Wait why didn't I just fly away. Eh. I'll see how this plays out. I get escorted to a cell and placed into handcuffs. The two agents stand by to make sure I don't escape.

I snap the handcuffs in half and wait patiently.

" hey can I get a shirt it's chilly in here" I said innocently.

One of the agents handed me the shirt and went back to where they were standing.

I cleared my throat.

"Privacy please" I said innocently.

They walked out of the room when I heard the lock click in the door I had to find a way to escape.

I thought of one person who I know even though he betrayed me I could count on.

"Nico" I whispered knowing they were trying to listen closely to what I was saying.

"Perce what are you doing in this room" he said walking out of the shadows.

"OK first my name is courage and I was captured because my best friend Steve is a traitor" I said saying Steve's name loudly to get my point across.

"Umm OK" he said while rubbing his hand through his dark hair.

" Percy I really wanted to say sorry I wanted to take up for you when you were executed but Aaron said that he would kill hazel and I couldn't let that happen to another one of my siblings" he said.

I looked through his memories to see that he indeed wasn't lying.

" oh I might want to know that the Olympians and the rest of the seven is trying to come up with a plan to get you to the defeat kronos, Gaia, destruction and krios" he tells me.

I nod my head as a sign of appreciation. All of a sudden the door opens it in walks Mister eye patch dude. I push Nico behind me is put myself in front of him and his sign of protection.

"Perseus Jackson that's your name I assume" he says with a calculating gaze.

"Old name mister eye patch guy the names Courage" I said eyeing him up and down.

" Alright Courage Im fury director of S.H.I.E.L.D i just wanted to ask you a few questions" he says.

"Sure why not I have nothing to hide" I said while giving eye contact.

"Okay I'm going to say a word you're going to give me another word that explains what it means to you" he says.


"Thank you Mr.Jackson I will send the team in to test you on certain things" he says.

I look at Nico behind me and grab his hand. The first to come in is iron man.

"I'm tony stark billionaire, Playboy, and iron man"he says with a smug face.

" ah yes the egotistical play boy that thinks every woman wants him" I day with a smirk.

"What ever what's 3+3"he says.

"6" I say obviously.

He just walks out of the room and in walks the archer. "Let's play a game if you win we let you go if I win you tell us what we wanna know" he smirks smugly, like he knew he was gonna win.

I smirk "your on Robin hood".

Let the games begin

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