Chapter three

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(His throne ignore doctor who)

Courage Jackson
3000 chaos years later

Its been a long time since everyone betrayed me. I finally took my throne as prince of the universe and little Courage plays for the other team now.

I sat in my bed watching universal TV and was watching strange clothed people fighting Loki god of mischief. I know Loki from when he came to utopia, he also wanted to adopt me so now I have two Fathers.

I noticed something weird about him blue eyes. Blue eyes... That's it Thanos is controlling him.

I quickly opened my closet and got my stretchable suit that was black with with gold letters on the back that spells Courage. I put my katanas on my back and grabbed my guns and ammo.

I quickly opened a portal and jumped through.

Third person

The avengers were all fighting Loki. Steve was about to lose against one of Loki's minions when a portal opened and out Jumped a man who looked about 20 Years old. Courage quickly used heat vision and blew him to pieces.
Courage grabbed one of his katanas and started slaughtering the enemy. The avengers still fighting watched in awe while fighting their enemy.

Courage seen Thor in his peripheral vision and winked. Loki was seeing how his son was destroying the enemy and quickly tried to gain control over his body not wanting to hurt his son.

"Father, I want to fight"yelled Courage.

All the avengers gasped at the word father. Thor gaped at the man before beginning to fight again.

Loki walked towards Courage and grabbed his scepter. Loki's took the first swing. Their weapons clashed and the fight began. Courage never hit his father he just wanted to get close enough so he could give Loki back control if his body.

Then came his chance. He quickly hit his father knocking him down to the grown and started to give Loki back control.

Loki's now green eyes let him know that his father was fine now. He quickly helped his father up and healed some of his injuries.

The avengers finished off the other minions and walked toward Loki and the unknown man.

"Brother who is this man and why is he calling you father" Thor boomed.

" I am Courage son of Loki and chaos , prince of the universe" Courage answered.

All the avengers took out there weapons and pointed them at Loki.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" Courage said while taking out his katanas and pointing them at the avengers.

"Move out the way he is wanted for destroying half of new York" yelled Clint.

"My father did nothing wrong he was being controlled by Thanos, Thor knows who I am speaking of" Courage said through gritted teeth.

The avengers looked at Thor who was nodding his head slowly.

" he is right my friends I knew those blue eyes from somewhere" Thor boomed.

They all slowly put down their weapons and watched as Courage open the portal for him and Loki to walk through.

" we shall meet again uncle and friends" Courage nodded .

After that they were gone.

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