6~ The First Day (Part 5) A Life-Changing Event

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Sooooo, another update😅

I posted a few parts of that random book I mentioned, The Life of a Teenage Fangirl. I'm probably going to update that allot, so maybe check it out? I'll understand if my weirdness scares you off though.
I spent like an hour drawing and editing the cover.

Anyways, back to the story.

Song- See You Again, by Charlie Puth


POV- Cinder

I walked into the PAC (Preforming Arts Center) with Iko dragging me to the seats in front of the stage.

"Mrs. Chelia!" She called to a young women, probably in her early twenties. She was pretty, with two ponytails falling over her shoulders and a dark reddish-scarlet hair. Her brown eyes also had a faint trace of reddish-pink.

She smiled, "What is it, Iko?"

"This is Cinder, she's new in our class."

The teacher smiled at me. "It's nice to meet you, Cinder. Where are you moving here from?" She asked, holding out her hand.

"Actually I'v pretty much always lived here, I was just homeschooled." I replied, shaking her hand.

"Well then, looks like we're both new here."

I looked at Iko for some answers. "She just recently graduated from collage, so it's her first year teaching. And she was just hired a few weeks ago when our old teacher all the sudden quit."

"Oh, that must have been rough."

"Actually, no. The old teacher was a jerk."

The teachers eyes softened. "I'm sure he wasn't that bad-"

"When someone was caught talking, even if it was to just ask a question about the assignment, he would give them a five page monologue and give them five minutes to read over it then they would have to preform it memorized for a test grade in front of the whole class." She said plainly.


"Well then, Cinder," Mrs. Chelia broke the awkward silence. "Why don't you go find a seat, we're doing improv today. Since it's the end of the six weeks I wanted to do something a little fun."

"Thanks Mrs.-"

"Just Chelia is fine." She said.

"Thanks Chelia."

Iko and I went to take a seat next to Cress and Scarlet. A few minutes later the devil walked in. With the tardy bell ringing a second later. Pearl immediately walks over to were Kai and Thorne where sitting, the seats right in front if us in the front row.

"Kaito! Where where you today at lunch? You weren't at our table, you know how boring and dull it is without you there!" She said with a pout. She was wearing a strapless hot pink crop top with a jean jacket, extremely tight white jeans, and hot pink heels that would probably break my foot if I tried them on. Her straight brown hair was tied in a high ponytail.

"I told you yesterday, Pearl. I only sat there because Thorne wanted to play B.S with the other guys there." Kai said, running his hand through his dark hair.

"But Kai dear, you said you would sit with me today!"

"Correction, I said I might sit there next week."

She rolled her eyes, sitting in the seat next to him and grabbing his hand so tightly his fingers turned purple. "Come on, Kaito. I though we where a thing?"

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