21~ Commonwealth Mansion

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Hey guys!

Here's the next chapter of Luna High!

I'm sooooooooooooooo sorry for not updating yesterday! I've been thinking of changing the update days to Friday/Saturday. Most of the time I have to write the entire chapter on the day I upload, or usually half on Friday and half on Saturday, because I literally have no time! And it doesn't help that my dad takes away my iPad and computer every. Single. Time. I am not ready for school by 7:30. With him yelling at me every fifteen seconds "Ten minutes left! You're going to be late! Do you want me to take away your electronics? Because I am!" and he keeps yelling things like that till I stop everything and answer with "OKAY!!!!"

(My iPad and computer are where I do all of my writing.)

So yeah, sometimes he makes me so enraged! It's like parents think that if they're your parents, they get special permission to control every single piece of your life and bully you without it being considered "bullying". The other day I went through all periods in school trying really hard to hold back tears because of him!!!!!!

Yeah, I hope ya'll's week went better.

So that's my little rant.

Song- Not About Angels, cover by Jasmine Thompson



"Ooooooo!!!!!!!! What about this one?!?!?!" I shouted, grabbing a long, glittering red party gown.

"Iko, I am not wearing that!" Cress said, leaning back on her bed.

I sighed, placing the dress back in the large box I brought from my house. It was filled with several old dresses that I collected over the years. Several of them where for situations like this — making my OTPs canon!!!!

"Fine, then what about this?" I pulled another gown out, this one was a bright yellow, covered in sequins.

"Definitely... not." She said again, not even glancing up.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, I didn't like that one much either." Throwing the dress down and flopping next to Cress on her bed,

"Cress, one of the cutest, richest, most popular guys in school asked you to the biggest party, like, ever, and you wont even dress up?" I ask in disbelief.

"I'm pretty sure I can figure something out, it's just a high school party."

I face-palmed, was she for real?

I groaned, grabbing her arm and dragging her to the kitchen. Not releasing her, I threw open the curtains, reviling the perfect view of the Commonwealth Mansion.

"There! You see now? That's where it is! So you have to look nice!"

She sighed, "I know, Iko."

I took in a deep breath. "Look, I'll just choose one that isn't too big or flashy. You look nice in blue, so why don't we use one in that color?"

She smiled slightly. "Yeah, that sounds great!"

I laughed, dragging her back to her room. "Oh, do you know when Cinder gets off of work? The party is in just four hours!"

"Does she really need that long to get ready?"

"Knowing Cinder, we'd be spending two hours just scrubbing off the grease."

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