19~ Fine on the Outside

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Hey guys!

Here's a new chapter!

I actually had time to write today, weird right? So my friend came over this weekend, and we where watching the first episode of an anime she found called Ghost Hunt, it freaking scared me! After the episode I went to take a shower all freaked out and paranoid while she watched more episodes of it on my laptop. I came back and she stopped watching it 'cause THERE WAS NO WAY I WAS SITTING THROUGH ANOTHER EPISODE OF THAT AT TWELVE A.M!!!!!! Then she went and asked "Can we turn the lights off?" And I was like "HECK NO!"

So that happened, and she earned the nickname Naru the Narcissist😅

Don't ask, 'cause I honestly don't remember why. It was like 3 a.m and we where half asleep when something happened to give her that name.

Anyway, enjoy the chapter!

Song- Fine on the Outside, by Priscilla Ahn






Why was this happening?

He couldn't be dying, not yet. I hardly ever got to spend time with his as it was, and now he was going to be dead?

Cinder and I immediately started running to the hospital, it was only a few blocks away, and it would take too long to call a taxi. It took about ten minutes in all, running nonstop there and rushing to his room. His door was different this time, on the door it read, in big bold letters, Special Patient moved to room B214.

B214? I thought those where just research labs. I headed to the stairs, in too much of a hurry to use the elevator. Cinder was behind me the whole time.

Finally we reached the room, and I wanted to cry at what I saw. Several doctors where huddled in front of the door, I walked up. They immediately knew who I was, and cleared the way, letting Cinder and I go to the room.

The door shut behind us, and left us in a small research lab with a wall covered in a window. On the other side I saw my dad... At least, I thought it was my dad.

His skin was covered in bruise-like rashes, they where blistering, looking extremely painful. The skin that wasn't infected with the rash was grey from exhaustion, making him look translucent, dead. He opened his eyes, turning his head to look at me. He smiled slightly when he saw me, but it was quickly broken by a cough, leaving small splatters of blood on his white blanket.

"Daddy?" I whispered, tears forming in my eyes.

I quickly rushed to the door to the room he was in, but was stopped quickly by Cinder grabbing my wrist.

"No, Crescent." My dad croaked. "The cancer has mutated, it seems. It's more like a plague now, it's contagious."

I nodded my head, tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Cinder, before I die, there's something I need to tell you... something I'v known for a long while now."

Her eyes widened slightly, then a look of confusion crossed her face. I knew my expression was the same.

"W-what?" She asked.

"It seems, now that Michelle's gone missing, I'm the only one left to tell yo-" He was interrupted by a fit of coughing.

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