Double Trouble- Newt

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(A short Newt ff with both Sally and Tonnie)
Not done yet!
"Newt." Tonnie, Newts girlfriend said.
"Yes babe?" Newt replied walking over to her.
"Newt has Sally been acting strange to you lately?" Tonnie asked, witch surprised Newt. That was exactly what he was thinking, but he also though he was just overprotective, she is 16 now right? She can be trusted.
"Ya, I noticed it too." Newt replied. Hoping he chose the right response. He loves Tonnie but sometimes she can be..controversial. One minute she's on your side, the next she's your opposing force.
Tonnie smiled an looked at Newt. "Newt." She began "I have news." Newt was a little surprised, and a little nervous. Did she find someone else? Was it because he wasn't immune?
"Oh, really? And the news is?" Newt responded, somewhat carefully.
Tonnie put her hands on her stomach "Newt, I'm.." she was interrupted by a knock on the door. "Newt I'm-" she started before Newt cut her off.
"Pregnant? I could tell." Newt said, smirking before walking towards the door. Tonnie nodded. He opened the door. It was his daughter Sally.
"Sally!" He said, for some reason was excited to see her. Even though she still lived with them. Newt hugged his daughter really tight. It was then that he noticed who was standing behind her, and why she looked so nervous. It was Minho Jr.
"Dad." She began "You already know Minho Jr. and his dad. So no need for introductions. But he is my boyfrien-"
"WHAT!" Newt cut her off "WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!" Ya, Newt was starting to believe that he was a little overprotective. "Oh, that's why. Sorry."
"Dad, thats not all." Sally said nearly in tears.
"What do you mean?" Newt asked, not knowing if he wanted to know the answer.
"Dad." Sally began again "I'm, I'm, I'm." Sally burst into tears. Minho Jr. walked in and hugged her. Tonnie hugged her. Newt couldn't help but hug her. "Dad I. I don't even want to say it. You'll be so mad."
"What do you mean I'll be mad?" Newt asked nervously.
"I-I-I pregnant!" She blurted out the burst into tears. "I'm so sorry."
Newt looked over at Tonnie "Well, it looks like we got double trouble." Tonnie nodded.
"Wh-wh-what do you mean?" Sally stuttered, looking up at her mother.
"I'm pregnant too." Tonnie says calmly, then walks over to hug her daughter. "It'll be ok." She coaxed. "Its gonna be alright."
The next 3-4 months went pretty quickly.
(Should I finish)

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