short story one-I Already Know you

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(Some of my story's will have make out scenes, if this one will I don't know yet)
This is all from Jess's point of view

I slowly wake up with a major headache.
"Ug, where am I?" I ask to the world.
When my vision stopped being blurry I looked around, I was in a small metal box with a bunch of rope, canned food, sneakers? And all I could hear was the turning of gears and the squeak of metal on metal. The air was musty and cool. All I wanted to do was sit in a corner and cry. I wondered where my home is, where my parents are, where my boyfriend is!
After what seems like eternity's the small metal box finally comes to a stop the cranking and squeaking coming to a close. Finally! I thought to myself. Suddenly light spilled in from overhead. Immediately squinted. So bright. I stood up and look above at what lay above the box. I began to look around, all I could see is boys, most of them around 16 or so. Except for one kid with rosy cheeks and brown curly hair. He waves at me, returning my gaze. I looked around for someone familiar. One of the boys helps me up out of the metal box.
There is a dark skinned boy who seems to be the leader. Nope! Not familiar!
There is a boy with brown hair, who people seem to call Thomas. Nope, not a clue.
There seems to be a boy for every race, origin, size and shape!
I continue to scan the crowd. No one looked familiar, I started to get worried! Until someone began to make his way though the crowd, at a first glance he just looks like a really hot 16 year old Asian kid, but at a second glance I realized,
"Minho!" I called out to him, running toward him. "Minho its me!" Minhos face tells you he doesn't remember a thing.
"Who are you?" He says softly. "I can't remember a thing from before I got her, except my name."
He can see the disappointment in my face "I'm, I'm Jess, your girlfriend."
Minhos face softened when he heard my familiar voice "Oh, how could I forget you babe!" Minho exclaimed picking me up by my waist and spinning me around. All of the other boys around us stared in shock, most of them had their jaws dropped nearly to the ground. I could only laugh at the thought of them! I mean they looked so funny, the were like drooling over me! As far as I can remember I'm pretty ugly, but, I don't think that there's another girl here and so its probably the first time that they've seen a girl in years! And they probably don't remember seeing a girl. Although I enjoy the attention that I get, I'd rather just be alone with Minho.
"Minho." I whisper to him "Is there somewhere that we can go. And be alone."
"Ya, its that building over there." Pointed to a small two story building with a few small Windows. "We call it the Homestead. That's where you'll be sleeping...with me." Minho blushes and smirks at the same time. I still don't know how her does it! "It just kinda worked out that we get to be together. Cause leaders, the sick and girls get to stay in the homestead."
I rolled my eyes "So your sick?"
"No! I'm a leader. One of the three leaders. There's me, Newt and Thomas. Plus the two psychos.. I mean sick gladers.

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