Chapter 1

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Louis p.o.v

The moonlight shone down onto the side walk as I walked. I came across the house I've been sent to by my dad. It looked abandoned and run down. I walked up the steps, each one creaked uneasily.

I went to open the door, but it opened by itself. I held my gun out in front if me, ready to shoot. There was a creak from beside me and I pointed my gun into the dark shadowy corner. A girl stepped out into the moonlight. Her hair falling into her face.

I was suddenly tackled to the floor. My gun sliding away from me. She began to choke me and shake me. I reached desperately for my gun. Finally I reached it, and shot her off of me. She fell to the floor blood oozing from her chest.

I exited the house and walked back to my house. "back so soon?" My father asked. I nodded and sat down on our couch. "It was successful" I whispered. "Good" He said, and then sat across from me on the other couch.

"Louis we need to talk" My father said seriously. I looked at him concerned. Why does he suddenly look worried? " What is it" I whispered nervously.

"it's about a mission," he sighed "an important mission." Aren't all missions important? "what mission" I asked.

"there's a vampire Louis," he looked into my eyes " that could kill you in a blink of an eye."

"can't all vampires kill you in the blink of an eye" I asked. "yes but this one is different" he said pulling out some papers. He placed one in front of me. It was a boy, who looked about eighteen or nineteen. He had curls delicately falling in his face. He had piercing green eyes that had a bit of a spark to him.

"this," my dad said pointing to the picture "is Harry Styles." I looked closely at the picture and saw fangs resting on his lip. He didn't even look like a vampire, except for the fangs.

"you want me to kill him right" I asked.

He nodded and put the picture back in an envelope. "the thing is Louis, that everyone who goes after him, never comes back" he whispered sadly.

"oh" I said looking down. "you should go to bed Louis, you'll go after him tomorrow" my dad said standing up. "see you in the morning" he yelled as he walked out of the room.

I stood up and ran upstairs to my room. I made sure all my guns were loaded and ready for tomorrow. I climbed in my bed and pulled the covers on me.

I woke up the next morning to the sound of my alarm. I was home schooled by my dad so I didn't have go to school.


I got out of bed and headed downstairs. There was a note in the counter from my dad. It said that he would be back next week due to a business trip. I sighed and threw the note away. He always was on a business trip anymore.

I watch some t.v and ate some breakfast. I didn't want night to approach. I'm usually quick and good about killing vampires, but what if he gets to me first? He'd kill me before I could even take a shot at him.

I turned off the t.v and grabbed my bag, which held all my guns. I walked outside into the cold air. I slept in my clothes from the other night, so I didn't need to changed. I shuffled down the pathway of my house, and began the walk to the vampires house.

It would take a few hours considering he lived a few miles outside of Doncaster.

When I reached the house it was already dark outside. I looked up at the house. It was huge compared to my house. It was a light yellow on the outside and it had marble stairs leading up to the door.

I slowly walked up them, and approached the door. I knocked on the door twice but no one answered. I turned the knob to see if it was unlocked, and it was.

I walked inside with my gun pointed forward, ready to shoot. I gripped my bag tighter and nervously opened a door. Inside it was empty, only dust. I shut the door and headed up the large staircase.

I walked alongside the railing and gripped it tightly. My gun was suddenly knocked out of my hand, and it flew over the railing. I watched it, until it hit the floor. I swallowed nervously and went to get another gun from my bag.

My bag was ripped from my grasp and whipped across the room. I took my chances and took off running. I ran down the steps only to hit a hard chest. I fell back onto the stairs. I looked up and saw none other than Harry Styles, the killer of them all.

Killer { Larry Stylinson vampire } ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now