Chapter 3

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First off I want to thank everyone that is reading this story. I ship larry stylinson and I love it. By the way it's always going to be Louis p.o.v unless I have another one up. But I want to thank justawriter101101, so thank you. I hope you all enjoy the story :)


I ran back home only to run into three other vampires who were licking their lips.....

I backed away frightened. They were blocking me from entering my house. One of them stepped forward. He had brown hair with brown eyes. "I'm Liam," he said gesturing to himself " and that's Zayn, and Josh".

I looked them over and noticed something different about the one named Zayn. His golden eyes sparkled like a werewolves. "oh I see you have noticed Zayn is a bit different" Josh said. "Zayn is a werewolf and a vampire" Josh said and they all smirked.

Liam must of been the leader because he snapped his fingers and Zayn turned into his wolf. Zayn had black fur with a bit of white fur on his neck. I fell backwards as Zayn came closer to me growling.

Liam snapped his fingers again and Zayn stopped. "the time will come Zayn, but not now" Liam said. I looked up at them confused. Liam just smirked at me. They began to walk away but Zayn stopped next to me.

He growled and pushed me down with his one paw. "don't think you're safe just yet" he said before slashing three deep cuts onto my stomach. He walked away as if nothing happened. The blood leaked onto my shirt and they were throbbing.

My shirt was ripped, and the cuts were all the way down my stomach. I found my strength and stood up. I gasped as I took one step. I made it inside my house and upstairs to my room.

I changed my shirt and threw the other one away. I was dreading tomorrow. I had to return to Harry's house. I ate dinner that night alone. My father headed out to Ohio to visit friends.

He would be gone for two months. It gives me enough time to sort things out. I got in bed, careful of the cuts. Falling asleep didn't come easy that night, I had nightmares of being killed by Harry.


I woke up the next morning and groaned in pain as I breathed in. The cuts were probably deeper then I thought they were. I got out of bed and put on a baggy t-shirt and sweat pants.

I grabbed a gun and put it in the side of my pants, just to be safe. I headed out of the house and towards Harry's house. I had a bit of a limp to my step and I hope Harry doesn't notice.

I knocked on his door and he soon answered the door. "ah Louis I didn't think you would show up" he said surprised. he stepped aside and let me pass. He looked at me funny, as I walked past him. He ignored it and followed behind me after shutting the door.

I sat down on the couch and he sat on a chair across from me. "so how have you been" he asked. "fine" I lied. He leaned for ward a bit as if questioning my answer. I gulped and leaned back.

"you're lying" he said and stood up. "how do you know" I snapped. "you look anywhere else but me and you bite your lip when you lie" he said casually. He put his hand against my chest and I yelped.

He pulled his hand away and put his hand there again, only to get the same reaction. He went to lift up my shirt but I smacked his hands away. "let me look" he growled. I tried to push him away but he forced me to lay down on the couch. He straddled me, careful of my stomach.

He took my shirt in his hands and ripped it off literally. Leaving my chest bare. I shut my eyes as he looked me over. Harry traced the cuts and I gasped each time. He pressed down and I screamed. He quickly stopped and pulled his hand away.

"who did this to you" he growled. "no one" I whispered. "look me in the eyes and tell me that" he growled in my ear. I opened my eyes and stared into his. I had to make him believe me. "no one" I whispered again.

He leaned in close to my face, searching my eyes for the true answer. "you're lying again Louis" he growled. "no I'm not" I shouted. "tell me who did this" he screamed. His fangs came out and his eyes turned red.

I slapped him and he pinned my arms angrily. "god dammit Louis tell me" he screamed. I broke down and started crying. He was hurting my wrists and my legs. "people were at my house yesterday and they were vampires" I sobbed.

He looked interested and his grip wasn't that tight anymore. "one was also a wolf so he scratched me and told me I wasn't safe" I screamed as tears still fell down my cheeks. I breathed heavily and whimpered at each breath.

The pain was increasing every few minutes. "Liam and his friends they're back" he whispered shocked. "Zayn, he did this to you" he asked. I nodded quickly. He went to get up but as he did my gun slid out of my pants and hit the floor. He looked at it before smashing it with his foot.

He looked back at me with anger written on his face. "you were going to kill me weren't you" he yelled. "n-no" I stuttered. "liar" he screamed hitting me in the face. He got off of me and ripped me off the couch. He threw me into the wall and grabbed me by my neck to keep me there.

"you were going to kill me off so you wouldn't have to worry about the deal" he yelled. He squeezed harder until my feet were no longer on the ground. "n-no Harry please" I begged.

He ignored me completely. He dragged me to the front door and whipped it open. It was pouring outside but he didn't care. He threw me outside and down the steps.

I landed on my stomach and blood was running along with the water down the path. I whimpered and felt myself get light headed. I passed out in front of Harry's house. Who knew if he would kill me or not.



Well here's the chapter!! Could you guys Please comment any ideas you have??? Thanks!! :)

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