Chapter 4

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My head was pounding and every breath I took, made my stomach feel like it was on fire. I opened my eyes and realized I was in a room laying on a bed. The events that happened yesterday flashed through my mind.

Wasn't I suppose to be laying outside? I got off the bed but regretted it. I collapsed to the floor In a heap. I heard the door open and presence next to me. "finally darling your awake" they said.

I looked up only to see Niall. I flinched away from him and tried to get away from him. My stomach wouldn't allow it. "why am I here" I whispered. "I saw you outside Harry's house. When I picked you up I realized you had three long deep cuts. You were all wet, shirtless, and hurt" he said.

I nodded slowly and sighed quietly. "what exactly went down between you two" Niall asked. "nothing important" I snapped. I stood up carefully before going downstairs. "where are you going" Niall asked following me.

"but its still storming out" he said as I opened the door. "I don't care" I snapped. "are you going back to Harry's house" he asked. "I'd rather die" I spat before walking out and slamming the door.

I walked away from his house and headed towards the woods. I was still shirtless, but why would I give a shit?I climbed over a log and headed further in the thick forest. I didn't even know where I was going, but all I wanted to do is be away from Harry

The rain was coming down harder and the dirt was turning to mud. I fell on my face, I didn't bother getting back up. The mud was getting in my eyes and into my cuts. I used a tree and helped myself off the ground.

I heard rustling in the bushes behind me and I froze. I turned around only to see those golden eyes. I gulped and watched his every move. He ran his hand threw his jet black hair.

"Louis what are you doing out here" he said coming closer. "headed home" I said "Harry with you" he said looking around. "no" I snapped.

"good" he whispered. "what-" I was cut off when he pushed me to the ground. "what are you-" he cut me off again when he started kicking me in my gut.

I screamed and curled up into a ball. He grabbed my hair in a fist and slammed my face into the ground. There was a tree next to me and Zayn decided to slam my face off that. I screamed and clawed at Zayn.

Zayn grabbed my arm and crushed it without much effort. I screamed and my back arched painfully off the ground. He let go and stepped on my stomach, hurting my ribs. "STOP" I screamed. I was panting on the ground and the rain was hitting my eyes. I couldn't lift my arm off the ground and I was in too much pain to even roll over.

"next time you see Harry, tell him this is just the beginning" Zayn hissed in my ear. I slowly nodded, "goodbye Louis" Zayn said in my ear before he walked off.

The rain eventually stopped an it was dark outside. The only noise was crickets chirping happily. I whimpered as the wind blew. I was freezing and in extreme pain. I screamed and started sobbing. I'm starving and thirsty.

I fell asleep on the cold, wet ground.

( Harry's p.o.v omg!! )

I sipped my tea and looked outside at rain falling down. There was knock on my door, I put my tea down and went to answer it. I opened it only to see Niall standing there. "what is it" I asked impatiently.

"can I come in" he asked not answering my question. I stepped aside and let him in, before shutting the door. I followed him in the living room and we sat on the couch. "now answer me, what is it" I asked again.

"it's Louis" he whispered. "what about him" I said, worry clear in my voice. "I found him outside your house last night bleeding, I took him home and put him in my bed. The s'morning he walked away and into the woods. I haven't seen him since" he said.

"you LET him walk away" I asked angrily. "what was I supposed to do" he asked. "stop him" I snapped. "Niall do you remember which way he headed" I asked.

"yeah to the left, into the woods" he answered. "I'll be back" I said before walking out the door. The rain by now stopped and the moon was only shining a little bit. I used my vampire speed to reach Niall's house. I stopped at the thick woods.

I entered looking anywhere for Louis or even a trace of him. That's when I saw his shoe prints in the mud. I followed them and then saw hand prints. He must have fell.

I looked up to see a figure lying on the ground shirtless. "Louis" I breathed. I rushed to his side and fell on my knees next to him. "no" I whispered, as I saw the damage to his beautiful body. Wait what? I'm straight, not gay.

He had a huge bruise forming on his stomach. He had a black eye. But that wasn't the worst. His right arm was totally broken. There was a black and blue handprint around his delicate arm, looking as if someone crushed it.

His chest was heaving up and down with each breath he took. I touched his arm lightly and he whimpered. It had to be Zayn that did this to him. My poor Louis. No Harry he's not yours, he probobly hates you.

I sighed and picked him up carefully. I used my vampire speed to get back to my house. When I got inside I set Louis on the couch gentley. "you found him" Niall said walking up to me. "yeah" I whispered.

I walked in to my kitchen getting medical supplies. I wrapped up his arm carefully, and I wrapped up his ribs. He flinched in his sleep at every touch. "no, please don't" he whimpered in his sleep. I felt horrible about what happened to him. I put back the supplies.

I laid next to Louis on the couch, pulling him close to me. I stroked his cheek gently and watched as he smiled in his sleep.

I'm falling for Louis Tomlinson...



So what do you guys think?? I decided to add Zayn in there after awhile. Can you guys please comment any ideas you have?? I love when you guys do :)

I've added a new story called; Bad Cat. Harry is a hybrid and he is like the boss of Louis. I don't know if you guys like that stuff, but I added it anyway. More updates should be on tomorrow. I'm headed to an amusement park tomorrow and it's a two hour trip. Please comment, vote, and fan :)

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