Chapter 1: Shocker

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Third Person Pov:

A red haired girl walked into Hideki High school.( if you know their school name please tell me so I can correct it)

She wore a different uniform, that the principle said that she could wear. She walked towards her class, and went inside. The class was about to start when she walked in. (her uniform to the side)

The teacher almost immediately noticing her. "You must be the new student Sora." The teacher asked, looking at her for conformation.

When the red haired girl nodded her butt length ponytail shook slightly.

"Good well you may sit in between Kuruma, Nanami, and Tomoe. If the 3 I just named would kindly raise their hands so that she knows where to sit." They raised their hands, and she sat down.

Sora Pov:

Once I sat down I glared at the familiar brown almost red haired brother of mine. My brother glanced at me once during class, and winced at my death glare.

Third Person Pov:

The teen idol knew that once class was over he wouldn't have time to do his favorite pass time. Annoy Tomoe. He had other things on his mind. Like run away from his glaring sister who would most likely kill him first chance she got for not having ANY contact for 10 years.

While he was thinking that every other guy (except Tomoe) was day dreaming about the red haired beauty that just stepped into their lives. It didn't take a rocket scientist for people to figure out that they were thinking of ways to woe her.

And a few singled out  guys of that group (about 4 were singled out in this category) were thinking of ways that she would end up in their beds.

While our little red haired girl was dreaming of ways she could castrate her older by 4 minutes twin brother.

Sora Pov:

 When the bell rung I was pretty sure my brother broke the world record of packing everything you have in the classroom, and leave, He packed up everything he brought with him to class, and ran down the hall as fast as he could without people being suspicious that he was a yokai.

I rolled my eyes, like that was gonna save him.

I stood up with my things, about was about to leave when suddenly I heard someone call me.

I turned around, and saw a brown haired girl with brown eyes in the standard school uniform.

"Ah, hello you must be Nanami, and Tomoe. Right? I asked the two people in front of me.

"Yeah, nice to meet you. I noticed that you were glaring at Kuruma. May I ask why?" She asked not to be rude but out of sincere curiosity,

Now me not wanting to give info to a fan girl was apprehensive. I don't wanna be stalked by fan girls so they can get the dirt on my bro. Even though I'm pissed off at him doesn't mean that I don't care.

"Why, are you one of his fan girls. Or maybe your one of his wanna be wives." I told her in a sort of statement question way.

"No!! I was just curious." She told me her eyes a bit wide.

I looked into her eyes. She wasn't lying.

"Alright." I told her then moved closer to them.

"He's my brother. Dear Land God." I told her smirking. It was easy to see she was a god, but me being able to smell her earthy scent could tell that she was a land god.

Both her and Tomoe's eyes widened slightly.

"I won't hurt you. If I was I would've done it already. I'm here for my brother." I told them while beginning to walk away.

"Ja'ne." I told them waving a backwards goodbye with the back of my hand facing them.

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