Chapter 4: The Kidnapped Famous and The Gone Familiar Part 1

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Kuruma Pov:

I glared at the tie with contempt. I could wear a suit and tie on any day, but I hated to. The reason why was because of the tie. Sometimes the damnable thing would cooperate other times it didn't.

"You know what? Fuck it." I threw the tie on the bed and unbuttoned the first two buttons of the red dress shirt. I didn't have time for the tie.

"Hey are you...ready yet?" My sister asked as she came in. Her sentence trailed off as she looked me over.

She fixed her earring and walked towards me. "Where's your tie?" She asked.

I pointed to my bed. She picked it up and buttoned my shirt before tying it for me. "Don't pull it tight, you'll look like a stiff." She stated bluntly.

I snorted. "I know that." I told her with a roll of my eyes. "Good let's go, we'll be late if we don't hurry."

"We're already late." I pointed out.

"I mean we'll be too late to be fashionably late."

I sighed tiredly. This is why I didn't have a girlfriend, females made no sense!

Sora Pov:

I gave myself a once over in the mirror by the door and I smiled. The crimson colored floor length one shoulder dress looked amazing on me. The small bow underneath the bust wasn't too much with the gold feather earrings that I wore. My large off gold bangle was the perfect accent with the off gold clutch in my hand. When I walked you could see a hint of my gold strappy two inch heels. Natural make-up was used to accentuate my eyes, while my bold red lips was another story entirely. I looked brilliant and I'd admit it to anyone. Screw how conceited it might sound.

"Come on!" I heard Kuruma shout from outside.

'Oh...' I thought. 'He must've gone outside while I was looking myself over.'

I followed his lead and walked out of the house, making sure to lock the door behind me. I got into the passenger seat of my brother's sports car and we sped off.

When we arrived Kuruma handed off his car keys to a valet who went to park the car while we walked inside.

When I walked in I sweat dropped. Well, these people knew the meaning of lavish, didn't they? Everything was bathed in beautiful but elegant light. No one looked out of place with their dresses and I sighed lightly.

I may enjoy parties a great deal but stuck up partiers really sucked. It seemed like everyone had a stick up their ass, and they only talked to you if you had status anyways.

"Sora-sama! You came!" I was tackled by an old shrine friend of mine.

"Hi Mimi. Where's Adele?" I greeted.

"Oh, off greeting some other familiars. Anyways, how've you been?"

"Oh, well, I've been tired, and you?"

"Ecstatic!" She giggled. "You know I threw this party because I heard you found Kuruma! Where is he anyway?"

"He's right-" I turned to look and sighed. "Nowhere near me."


"I'm sorry Mimi I have to go look for my idiot brother."

I turned and walked away from her, every intention on finding my brother.

Mimi Pov:

I snorted lightly. 'Oh my Sora, you won't be finding him anytime soon.' With a malicious laugh in my mind I tapped my earpiece.

"And our dear little baby sparrow has left her nest. Am I moving on?"


I smirked and walked away from the crowd. Once far enough away and hidden I lifted my dress and pressed the button on my thigh. The lights went out and a few Gods and Goddesses screamed.

I walked back into the crowd pretending to stumble.

"Ahh!!" I shouted as someone fell into me. I had half a mind to push them back. But for the sake of this mission I couldn't.

"We've got them, let's go."

I smirked and followed my partner out of the crowd. This was too easy, almost akin to taking candy from a baby.

The lights cut on just as I exited through the back door. I heard some sighs. They'd never know.

Nanami Pov:

It was 11:00pm and I had just layed down when I heard my room door open. I turned to snap at the familiar who'd interrupted my almost sleep, knowing full well that I'd had temporary insomnia for the last three days.

"Wha-" I cut myself off as I looked at a nicely dressed, panting Sora.

"Sora, what-"

"Someone took my brother!" She shouted her eyes full of panic and worry.

"Huh!?!" I screamed.



Woah that took me a long time to update.

But anyways, what did you think?

Good? Bad? In the middle? Leaning to one side? Don't know?

Let me know below in the comments.

Sora's outfit is above. Can't see it? Let me know and I'll post it in the comments for you.

And speaking of pictures in the comments. Mimi and her familiar Adele are below.

And while we're on the subject of thoughts and comments....

Please vote, comment, fan/follow, and add to library if you haven't done so yet. I understand that you have your own mind so it is completely optional!

I'll see you guys around. And by around I mean in the next chapter.

~Bye, M.P



How was your Easter? If you celebrate it of course. ^.^

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