Chapter 3: The Punishment

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Sora Pov:

Nine days. It had been nine days since Kuruma's punishment started and I must say that he's been doing rather well, despite the torture in his eyes.

Today is the last day of his punishment, and it's currently lunch time. While I'm eating slowly, he's gulping down his eighth A-Grade school lunch.

Now let me tell you something about the lunches in the school. There are six graded lunches. A-F. The A-grade lunch being the biggest, most delicious looking, most expensive lunch, while the F-Grade lunch is the exact opposite.

The A-Grade lunch comes on a large tray that's filled with two appetizers, one big salad, two main course dishes with two sides each, and four different kinds of dessert. For a drink you get every drink served in cafeteria. Juice, milk, and a few others.

So imagine one person eating eight of those. They should be ready to pop right? Well actually they should've been ready to pop after the first lunch. However if you think that you've clearly never met my brother. I'm sure he has room for four more of those before he's full. And let me tell you. He won't gain a pound.

I sighed softly and closed my bento. I had been watching him do this for nine days straight and guilt was starting to get to me.

'No! Don't five in now.' I thought while swallowing softly.

I stood up and walked off, throwing a casual "I'm done." Over my shoulder as I went.

Kuruma Pov:

I mentally sighed in relief when she walked off. Her punishments were all too cruel.

"Hey Kuruma." I looked up to see a smiling Land God and a glaring Fox Familiar. 

"Hi." I sighed out as I put another peice of steak between my lips.

"So, what's been going on between you and your sister?" She asked.

I glared. "I came to this world didn't communicate with her for ten years and she ou just saw me recently when the stupid paparazzi said I was coming here. Now I'm being punished. Ten days watching her eat her bento in front of me and not being able to have any. Each day represents a year." I explained while watching them sit down across from me.

"That doesn't see too bad." Nanami spoke with a frown.

"Her bento is and always will be the best to me." I stated. "I eat a lot of food and you both know why. However just one bento is enough to satisfy me and keep me coming back for more. Sing her eat then infront of me like that is  torture and its worse form."

Nanami nodded slowly in somewhat understanding.

Tomoe on the other hand was smirking. "It's your own fault stupid bird." He stated.

I glared daggers at him. Trust that damn fox to not help my situation.

I heaved a sigh. "Shut up Fox." I grunted as I stood up to go throw away the remains of my twelve trays.

As I walked away I could hear Nanami quietly yelling at Tomoe so that she'd get her point across but not attract attention.

Now it was my turn to smirk. Thanks Nanami!


Thanks for reading even though this chapter was slightly boring in my opinion. Oh well, I wanted to give Kuruma's Pov a chance and I also wanted you to see how his punishment was going so.....





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