Chapter 2: Punishment

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Whenever you see this (( it means that what's inside the parentheses is an authors note or comment.))

Sora Pov:

I walked down the hall looking for my brother.

He always was a master of the art that was hiding.

Then again...He did get alot if practice when we were younger. Back then he was always doing something to piss me the fuck off. Just thinking about it gets my anger even more fired up than it already is.

Sadly, whenever he hid I could never find him. And the next time that I'd see him, I would've calmed down.

Third Person Pov:

Deciding to give up the red head went to her locker to get her bento.

She then made her way to the schools garden. Sora found herself a picnic table away from pretty much everyone, she sat down.

She picked up her chopsticks, and began to put a piece of smoked salmon into her mouth. The seaweed, and sticky rice gave an added flavor that made her taste buds happy. As she chewed the sushi she savored the taste. ((I really do like this type of sushi.))

She was about to put another piece into her mouth when she sensed a presence.

Knowing the feeling all too well she continued to eat.

Sora Pov:

I knew that my brother was watching me. He always did love my cooking. And I would always deny him the 'amazingness of my cooking' as he put it. But in truth all he had to do was give me the puppy dog eyes, and I would give him whatever he wanted.

Sad, but true. Those puppy dog eyes were a killer.

"Come on out Kuruma!" I shouted loud enough for the red head to hear.

"Eh-heh. Hey sis." He greeted coming from behind a tree.

I didn't bother to look up. "Don't you 'hey sis' me." I said looking up at him. I glared.

"Why did you do it?" I asked him knowing full well that he knew exactly what I was talking about.

"I needed to see the outside world." He stated rubbing the back of his neck.

I glared harder. "And you couldn't call every once and a while, just to say 'hey sis I'm doing okay'? I was worried! It hurts to be your sister, and be as close to you as every girl who couldn't make it to your concert! I may be younger, and a goddess. But I worry. I worry for you when I'm not around. And it killed me to have to worry for you only putting my nerves at rest when you appeared on TV safe and sound." I told him. He flinched.

"I didn't think you'd worry so much."

"If you had bothered to contact me you would've." I shoved the piece of sushi on my chopsticks into my mouth.

"What if I made it up to you?" He asked.

"Oh you already are."

He blinker in a confused fashion. "What do you mean."

"I've decided on your punishment. Ten days with none of my cooking.  And during that time I'll eat right in front of you." I told him as I started to eat my shrimp fried rice.


"One day for each year and if you keep acting like that I'll add more days." I pointed my chopsticks at him.

This was the ultimate punishment for Kuruma. Forcing him to watch me eat my food and not giving him any.

I saw him gulp before he started to walk away, probably to get a school lunch.

'As if that'll tide him.' I thought as I continued to eat.

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