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Two men came to the car to escort us into the asylum. Once inside there was this bitchy looking woman, she was looking down at her clipboard,"Jerome Valeska, room B325" she said, pointing down the hallway.

"Krista Karnik, room B326" she said pointing down the same hallway.

The two men led us to our rooms, and handed us uniforms before turning around and walking away.

I changed, looked around the small cell, and went into another room, where there were other inmates seated at tables. I found Krista seated at an empty one, and sat next to her.

 "Hey" She said, sounding board already.

"Board already?" I asked, resting my head on her.

 She looked down at me,"Yup"

I sighed,"Yeah me too." I sat up straight,"Well it could be worse" I said

She looked down for a second,"True." She looked back at me,"We could have been assigned to different parts of the asylum." She leaned towards me, then kissed me.

"Yeah that would have been the worst." I said then kissed her. There were only guys in the room with us.

"Hey sexy, could I get some of that action?"This one ugly guy said, getting out of his seat, and started walking toward us.

I started to get up, when Krista got up, and put her hand on my chest," I got this" She said, gently pushing me down, indicating that she wanted me to sit back down. I shot the guy a death look, then slowly sat back down.

He walked up to her, and put his hand around her waist, Krista had this annoyed look on her face, and grabbed his hand, twisted it, then pushed his arm hard against his chest. 

"Don't you ever touch me, or talk to me like that." She said with an irritated tone. She pushed him, causing him to stumble and fall,"Understood?" Some of the other guys laughed at him, while others looked at Krista like dayum.

On the floor still trying to process what just happened, he looked up at her,"uh huh"He said, shocked that his 'charm' didn't work.

Krista smiled,"okay then." She looked up, "that goes for all of you guys" she said to all the other guys in the room. "I'm already taken" she said as she turned around, and sat on my lap, then she kissed me on the cheek.

I smiled,"Wow, you handled that well"

She looked at me and smiled"Yeah, hopefully they don't try anything funny. I already got my jokester."


A week later, we started to fit in with everybody else. The ugly guy who tried to get some of Krista, his name was Sionis. Clearly he still likes Krista, but he hasn't touched her, or talked to her in that way again.

There was a blonde woman outside of the cells walking away from the area, my back was faced to her, I turned my head to look at her. She was already looking at me with her pink sunglasses pushed down her nose, she pushed them up looked away and went back to walking.

 The next morning I woke up and made my way out to the room with everyone else in it, as usual, but there was this beautiful blonde woman sitting at our usual table, the same woman I seen earlier this week with the pink sunglasses, Krista was there as well.

I whistled, and tried to look presentable, while jumping into a seat across from her and next to Krista" Hi gorgeous, I'm Jerome" I said to the blonde woman reading a magazine, smiling. I felt Krista staring at me, in a jealous sort of way.

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