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I woke up, in someone's arms, it was obviously Jerome.

"Morning babe" he said, raising his eyebrows.

He was shirtless, of course, and I could see a huge cut/ scar stretching from his wrist, to halfway up his forearm. It looked like it was pretty deep.

"Did you do that to yourself?" I asked.

"Yeah" he said smiling.

"Why?" I asked, clearly concerned.

"Well, because it's so hard being without you, love" he said.

"Then why don't you stay?" I found myself asking no one.

I got up, and my cell was unlocked so I went out to the tables, and sat by myself. I was sitting there for a while, then Hugo came and brought me to his office.

I sat down in a chair, and he handed me a piece of paper. I took it and looked at it.

It said that I was officially sane. What? Me? Sane? Haha.

"What's this?" I asked.

"You're sane. You can get your things and Ms. Peabody will lead you out." He said.

"Oh" I said. Then he stood up and opened the door and motioned for me to leave.

I went back thru the room with all the tables, and Ed was there.

"Hey apparently I'm sane, so I have to leave now" I said kind of disappointed that I have to go.

"Really? Well congratulations" he said smiling.

"Yeah, I don't want to leave you though" I said.

"I'll be fine, I have another plan, and I'll be out of here soon" he said, "I will be looking for you when I'm out, of you don't mind" he said.

"Yeah, I'd love that, because, you know me I have no where to go or no one to stay with or what ever. So yeah, totally hit me up." I said smiling.

He got up and hugged me tightly. "I'm so glad I got to know you, Krista." He said, as I wrapped my arms around him.

"I'm so glad I got to Know you too, Ed" I said.

The hug ended, and we were smiling at each other.

"Well I'll see you soon" he said.

"Yeah" I said backing away, "don't forget about me" I joked.

"I wont" he said with a big smile.

I waved one last time then went to my cell, where Peabody was.

She had all my stuff packed, and ready. Then she escorted me out of the asylum, past the gates, and into a taxi.

The driver drove off, "where ya heading?" He asked.

I had to think for a moment. I looked out the window and seen an ad for Haley's Circus.

"Haley's Circus" I said smiling.

"Can't I'm only allowed to drop you off at your place, since you just got out" he said.

"I'm staying with my boyfriend, who is with the circus" I said.

"Whatever" he said.

"What does your boyfriend do?" He asked a few minutes later.

"His mother is a snake dancer" I said.

"or was" I said then laughed to myself.

We arrived at the circus shortly after, and I got out.

I smiled to myself, and walked to the area where the games are.

I sat down at the same spot where I was the first time I seen Jerome. I looked around at the strength tester, hoping to see a certain ginger.

I didn't see him, so I walked over to where his trailer was.

Either it was his or one that looked just like his, and I knocked on the door.

No one answered so I went to the freak show, knowing that's where Jerome used to go sometimes.

Why am I looking for a dead guy? I don't know. Nobody looks for a dead man. But there's something inside me telling me that I have not seen the last of my Ginger.

Anyways I got there, and it was dark in the tent, except for the spot lights that were on the stage, shining on a few of the freaks.

I looked around at the back of the customers heads, and seen a guy that could have been compared to Jerome, but I'm not exactly sure, it was too dark to tell.

Before the last act ended I left the tent and waited outside, to get a better look at the guy.

Everyone came out, except for him. I waited as the last few people came out, then I went back inside.

Just as I was entering the tent, someone was coming out and we ran into each other. I fell on my Ass, and he kept walking.

Again all I could see was the back of his head, as he sped up, and tucked his head down, like he was hiding.

I got up and ran after him, "hey!" He turned his head slightly, then started running.

I sped up, "excuse me!" I yelled after him.

After a second I caught up to him, and put my arm on his shoulder, "what the fuck do you want from me?" he said, before turning around and pushing me back to the ground.

I got to see his face this time, and it wasn't Jerome.

"Sorry, I just wanted to see if you were somebody I knew" I said Getting up. "And you don't treat people like that" I said.

"Who are you to be telling me that?" He snapped.

I got back up, and pushed him back, "you shouldn't have pushed me the second time" I said.

He put his hands on my shoulders and was about to push me again, but I grabbed one of his arms and pulled away from me.

"Don't you fucking touch me" I said

He brought his face close to mine, "what are you going to do about it?" He asked smiling as his other hand crept to my lower back.

I tried to push myself away from him, but he pulled me closer with both of his hands.

I kicked him in the shin and he pushed me back to the ground. I got back up, and pushed him as hard as I could and he fell.

I stomped on his chest, and he gasped for air. I spit in his face, "you know, I would kill you, but I was just released from the asylum and I'm not planning on going back there tonight." I said then walked away.

I went back to Jerome's trailer and knocked on the door again.

Someone opened the door this time.

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