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In the middle of the night , we woke up to a loud beeping noise. We got up and put on some clothes quickly, and ran out to the living room to join everyone else. "What the hell is going on?" I yelled over the noise, walking to Theo.

He irritatedly but calmly said"Somebody decided to microwave aluminum foil" he looked at Greenwood, who smiled at us with embarrassment and guilt. I went back to Krista and told her what happened, while Theo went to go try and turn off the alarm. We went back to the bedroom and laid back down, and talked for a few minutes.
"Fat ass probably tried to microwave his left over arm from last night" I said.
Krista laughed, "yeah, probably"
"So how do you know what time the competition is at tomorrow?" I asked.
"Its at 4, and I used to be on the squad." She said.
"Ahh so I'm dating the hottest cheerleader in school" I said then kissed her forehead.
"I guess you could say that" she laughed
"And I'm in love with a prep?" I said kind of sarcastically.
"Ha, no. I'm not like those whores. I'm not constantly concerned on how I look, or if my hair looks okay, and if my make up is good 24/7" she said mockingly.
" ha yeah that's always annoying as fuck" I said.
"We should probably get some sleep, we got big plans for tomorrow" she said.
" yeah" I said.
She turned off the lamp and snuggled up to me, as I held her.

I woke up after Krista did.

"I'll be right back" She said excitedly and left the room. I closed my eyes and laid back. Seconds later she ran in the room and jumped on the bed, "Ready to go??" She asked impatiently. 

I looked over at the clock, "Its only 11" I said, tiredly.

"So? Lets just go do something, you and me" She said, rolling onto her stomach and resting her head on her hands.

"Uggh, just 10 more minutes" I complained. 

She sighed, "I've been up for hours, I just want to spend time with you" She said.

I groaned, "Fine" I said, giving in.

I got up and went to the bathroom, then changed. "What do you want to do?" I asked in a bored way.

She thought for a moment. "I don't know.. But I do want to do something" she said

"I know what we can do" I said grinning.

She looked at me, smiling, "I know that look." She said

"We could go into Greenwoods room, and play pranks on him while he's sleeping" I said.

"Okay" she said smiling. We went to the kitchen to get some scissors, a bucket, a bag of flour, super glue, string, a giant bottle of syrup, and honey.

We brought everything into Greenwoods room, quietly. I slowly cut off his clothes, leaving his underwear on, thank God. Then I super glued his hand to his underwear, after that me and Krista spread the honey and syrup all over his body. It took a while, but we eventually finished, we tied the string to the bucket of flour, and tied the other part of the string so it was almost touching the ground, but it wasn't. 

I tied the string perfectly so that when he gets up, he'll trip over it, causing the bucket of flour to fall on him. Then, assuming, he would come running out of his room pissed, we had rigged up a pillowcase full of rocks to fall on him as soon as he got out the doorway.

We finished setting everything up, me and Krista waited out in the living room,"Here's a little payback for waking us up in the middle of the night"Krista said. I lit a match and held it up close to the smoke alarm, it set it off quickly.

The prank worked perfectly, except we didn't tell the others that we were going to set off the smoke alarm, so everyone came rushing out into the living room just in time to see the result of our little prank. Me and Krista were dying of laughter, I couldn't even breathe it was so funny. After everybody else found out the alarm wasn't for real, they laughed at Greenwood too.

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