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When Pit woke up the next morning, he felt refreshed. It took him a while to realize that Dark Pit wasn't beside him. Maybe he got up early.

'Or maybe you woke up late' Pit thought to himself with a chuckle as he stretched his wings. As he stood up, he was surprised to find out that he wasn't hungry. That was rare. He decided to skip breakfast and find out what Pittoo was up to.

He made his way to the kitchen where he found Palutena and a couple of Centurions making breakfast.

"Hi, Lady Palutena!" he said with a smile. The woman turned around and mirrored his expression.

"Good morning, Pit. Sleep well?"

The brunette nodded enthusiastically.

"Do you want something to eat?"

She was surprised when the angel shook his head.

"I'm not that hungry."

"Well, make sure you come back to eat something later, okay?"

Pit nodded again before speaking. "Have you seen Pittoo around?"

"Hmm...he left not too long ago. Maybe he's outside?"

"I'll check, thanks! See you later!"

She waved goodbye as he exited the kitchen. Pit walked to the other side of the castle (It was times like these where he wished he had working wings) and walked out the back doors that led to a balcony. Sure enough, Dark pit was sitting on the edge of the railing. He seemed to be staring off into space. Pit grinned and tiptoed over to him before abruptly pressing a hand to his back, startling the other.

Dark Pit silently gasped and gripped the edge of the railing as he turned around quickly, glaring daggers at Pit, who was trying his best to look innocent.

"Asshole...I could've fallen, you know."

"You can fly."

The raven ignored his comment and resumed his original position before looking up at the sky. Pit sat next to him.

"Why are you out here?" he asked curiously.

"Well, I WAS out here to be ALONE, but I suppose that's out of the question."

Pit laughed. "C'mon, being near me isn't THAT bad."

Pittoo scoffed. "I beg to differ."

The brunette narrowed his eyes. He liked Dark Pit, and he wanted to believe that Dark Pit liked him too. Why else would he have leaned in for that kiss, well ALMOST kiss, yesterday? Pit smiled. Yeah, Pittoo just needed a push in the right direction...

Pit scooted over until their bodies were touching. "See? Not bad, right?"

He could see the redness in Pittoo's cheeks clearly, even as he tried to cover it up. "T-That's not what I meant, idiot."

"Really? Then how about THIS?"

Pit leaned in and planted a kiss on Dark Pit's cheek. He could feel the heat from the other's embarrassment as his lips pressed against the soft skin. Surprisingly, he didn't push him away. When he pulled away, the raven had an unreadable expression on his face. He tilted his head in confusion until he felt a hand on his cheek.

Pit looked into Dark Pit's eyes before he felt a pair of soft lips against his own. His eyes widened, but drooped as he melted into the kiss. They pulled apart a few seconds later, but that didn't stop the sudden rush of adrenaline coursing through Pit's veins.


"Don't say it" Pittoo said in a harsh tone as he looked away.


"I swear..."

"You kissed me."


Dark Pit sighed. "Yeah, so?"

"Do you like me?" Pit asked. He felt his heartbeat growing faster as he waited for his clone to answer.

"I...I don't know. What if I did?" he asked as he blushed.

"Then I'd say I like you too" Pit replied as his heart threatened to burst out of his chest. 'Wow' he thought. 'That was bold. Was it too bold?'

"Then" the doppelganger began. "I guess I love you then."

Pit almost died from happiness. 'This is really happening!' he kept reminding himself. 'Pittoo just confessed to me!'

"I'm glad" he said as he smiled. Dark Pit had a weird way of saying 'I love you', but Pit accepted it nonetheless.

"So" Pit continued. "What does this make us?"

Dark Pit scowled. "You know what it makes us, idiot." And then he took Pit's hand in his and squeezed gently. He felt like he was DREAMING. Like this wasn't REAL. But is WAS. And THAT was the crazy part.


"You've had that stupid grin on your face all day" Dark Pit said from his spot on the bed. The two retreated back to Pit's room to relax.

"I can't help it" the angel replied. "I never thought this day would come!"

The raven sighed. He REALLY couldn't contain his excitement, could he?

"Neither did I" he responded. 'Not like it's a completely bad thing...'

The two lay calmly in silence before Pit spoke up. "I don't want to go back to school."

"If you hate it so much, why not get home-schooled? No, that was a stupid question. Palutena seems way too busy to home-school you."

Pit nodded with a sigh. "I suppose I'll survive somehow. Wait."


"Won't people make fun of you for being with me?"

"Pit, did I ever really care about what people thought of me?"

", I guess not."

Dark Pit nodded in agreement. "I don't give two fucks about those assholes. They can whisper whatever shit they want about me and it won't lessen my hatred for them."

The cinnamon haired boy giggled. "Yep, that sounds like something you'd say."

"Shut up."

Pit smiled and laid his head on his twin's chest.


When it was finally nighttime, Dark Pit fell asleep. Pit stood up and quietly exited the room. He walked across the corriders and knocked before entering Palutena's room. She was wearing a nightgown and was currently brushing her long, emerald hair. Turning around, she smiled.

"What are you still doing up?" she asked with a playful tone, but gasped gently when Pit latched himself onto her. Not knowing what to do, she set her brush down gently and wrapped her arms around him. After a while, the two pulled back.

"What's gotten into you?" she asked curiously as she placed a hand on her hip.

"Thank you, Lady Palutena."

"For what?" she asked with a chuckle.

"For the pep talk you gave me last night. Without it, I don't think I would've had the confidence to tell Pittoo how I feel about him."

Her eyes widened. "You mean you-?"

Pit nodded.

"So are you two...?" she began.

Pit merely winked as he walked away. "Good night, Lady Palutena."

Her eyes widened before she relaxed and smiled.

"Sweet dreams, Pit" she whispered.

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