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"Liar! You said you'd let me go!"

"I believe I said I MIGHT let you go."

Pit glared up at the goth, although it ended up looking more cute than menacing. He slumped down against the wall with a sigh.

'Well, at least I'm not hungry anymore. Regardless, though, that girl is CREEPY!' He thought as he tried to tear his mind away from the fact that Tira was currently staring into his soul.

"Can you at least untie me? I won't leave if that's what's you're afraid of."

Before Tira could respond, the door, burst open, and in flew Dark Pit, Haysley, and Courtney.

"Where is he?!" Dark Pit asked, attempting to contain his anger as his ruby colored eyes scanned the area. "Someone turn on a light!"

Haysley obeyed, flicking the on switch of a nearby lamp on the floor, revealing the room to be an old shed. Pit hissed at the light flooding his eyes. He HAD been shrouded in the dark for quite some time. When his eyes adjusted, he had to keep himself from crying tears of joy as he witnessed his boyfriend making his way toward him.

"Thank the GODDESSES you're okay!" he exclaimed as he worked on untying him. Pit grinned and wrapped his arms around the Raven as soon as they were free from the tight binds.

"Pittoo, these people are CRAZY!...especially that one!" he said as he pointed toward Tira, who scoffed and crossed her arms in response.

"Don't I know're not hurt, are you?"

After realizing what he said, he pushed Pit away and rubbed the back of his head awkwardly while avoiding eye contact.

"B-because Palutena would kill me if you were, and I don't wanna deal with anymore of her shit, okay?"

Pit stumbled backwards, grabbing the wall for support as he raised an eyebrow.

"Pittoo, it's okay if you were concerned about me. We're dating after all!" Pit said with a smile. "Actually, I find it quite flattering!"

Dark Pit glared at the brunette. "I-I'm not con-...ah fuck it."

He grabbed Pit's hand and quickly made his way to the exit.

"Hey, P-Pittoo, not so fast! I've been binded all day! I can hardly feel my legs!" Pit shouted.

Dark Pit stopped in his tracks, allowing the other to grip onto him for support. As he left, he gave the girls one last menacing glare.
"P-Pittoo, stop!" Pit whined as he struggled to get his boyfriend off of him.

He didn't know how it happened, but when they returned home, Palutena wasn't there, so they went straight to Pit's room, where they ended up on his bed where Dark Pit was currently trying to strip him. Not for the reasons you think.

"I have to make sure they didn't do anything to you" he replied as he slipped Pit's toga off over his head.

"I told you already: nothing happened! Now c'mon! Stop! This is embarrassing...!"

Pittoo ignored him, and raised his black tank top up, refraining himself from ripping it off entirely. Instead, he merely held it up with one hand and used the other to keep Pit pinned as he scanned the boy's body for any bruises. When he couldn't find any, he looked up into smug, blue eyes.

Pit smirked. "Satisfied?"

Pittoo snorted. "Never."

He then proceeded to capture Pit's lips within his own. It was a long, heartfelt kiss, something very unlike Pittoo, but Pit shrugged it off. Pittoo, broke the kiss and began to run his his hands through the angel's hair as he left a trail of kisses down his jaw and neck. Pit didn't object, shuddering when Dark Pit's hands left his messy hair to ghost them along the sides of Pit's stomach. Their moment was cut short when they heard a knock on the door.

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