Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

(Sergio Carvaj as my idea of Seth)


Even with those atrocious bruises marring his angelic face, my fated was still the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen. His shock and confusion at my words was plain as day in those expressive golden brown eyes. An anger like no other boiled through my blood at those who dared to lay a finger on my beloved. I will find out who did this to him, and they will pay dearly for their ultimate mistake.

Who would have thought that after living, or I should say existing for nearly two thousand years, that I would find the one soul destined for me on a leisurely walk on the grounds of my estate. I had risen at sunset as usual and after Remy filled me on the day's events, and brought me reports of my multiple businesses. I had fed from one of my many servants and decided to take a walk in my meticulously groomed gardens.

It had been windy out, and the frigid air had promised a hint of rain. As the breeze ruffled through the trees in surrounding the forest of my home, it had also carried scent of something so alluring, I had no choice but to follow the hint of that delicious fragrance to its source. Before I could even alert my guards, I was off, my speed had quickly carried me through the dense overgrowth and the clustered foliage to the source of that mouth watering essence.

Even with my enhanced abilities, it still took me over an hour to reach the old dilapidated mill situated deep with the forest not far from the human University. The night had gotten even darker and then the rain had started to fall from the sky like a solid wall of water was being poured from the heavens.

The deluge wasn't enough to wash away the unmistakable scent of warlocks. The area had reeked of them, a young set and very diluted brand of witches, but warlocks none the same. I had let my vampire free in case of threat of danger as I crouched behind the line of trees and let my senses reach out around the surrounding area.

The wind had shifted and a burst of raindrops splashed my face and there it was again, stronger than the stench of half witches with the metallic sweetness of blood in the air.

I heard nothing but the gurgling breath and pitiful half groans and half whimpers coming from the mill. My careful gaze hadn't picked up no movement in the surrounding area, and I had been alone other than the source of the alluring fragrance coming from inside the old ramshackle cabin.

My vampire had given me no other option, it had scented blood and possibly something more. It had taken off across the clearing. I had kept myself shrouded in darkness. I'd effortlessly scaled the side of the building, flipped my body up onto the roof and used one of many holes to slide inside and drop soundlessly onto the cracked slabs of wood, all that was left of the floor in the shack.

My eyes had scanned the room, although it was pitch black. The rain clouds had long since casted a shadow over the moon, but for me, I could still see as if it was bright as if it was noon time outside. Through the dust and debris my gaze had zeroed in on the source of the smell that had drawn me all the way out here.

What I had seen crumpled on the ground a few yards away from me should have made me recoil with disgust, but again over ammonia like odor of urine, amongst other things, the sweet scent of blood called to me. It wasn't the call of hunger, it was something stronger and I had cautiously made my way around the room, holding to the shadows because whomever this person was, they had obviously been in pain and on the brink of death.

When I'd come face to face with the half dead person on the floor, they'd groaned and opened their eyes and the glint of gold flashing for a brief second in the young man's eyes. I had looked into the eyes of my fated and he had been a breath away from dying. My senses had gone haywire. I had rushed to his side, right as he decided to pass out. In a sense it had been a blessing that he was rendered unconscious. I had kept a careful watch on his breathing and heartbeat as I quickly assessed his injuries.

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