Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

(Please enjoy the video, 'Heathens,' by Twenty One Pilots.)


After Remy and Sebastian disappeared from my room, I was painfully aware that I was left all alone with Etienne and I felt a rush of heat spread through my body when he turned those piercing dark eyes on me. I swallowed the ball of anxiety in my throat and scurried into the closet to finish getting dressed. I had just gotten out of the shower when I heard scuffling noises and raised voices outside my bathroom door. I'd barely managed to drag on my sweatpants before peeking out of the bathroom to see what was going on. Remy and Sebastian were rolling around on the floor.

Sebastian was grabbing for Remy's cell phone but Remy had been just as determined to keep it while he played out the video of Sebastian as a donkey. They'd crashed into the baseboard of the bed at the same time my bedroom door burst open. My mouth had gone dry at the sight of Etienne standing there, his broad shoulders and towering height taking up the entire doorway. The vampire's shirt was left unbuttoned and his lounging pants hung low on his hips. Saliva returned with a vengeance and it pooled in my mouth as my eyes scanned the feast of man in front of me. My lips tingled with the suppressed need to trace his prominent V line with the tip of my tongue and follow his happy trail, well my happiness.

From the bulge clearly outlined by the thin material of his trousers, I would indeed be a very happy boy once I uncovered all of that mouth watering flesh. I'd barely listened with half an ear as Etienne reprimanded his friends and sent them off to wherever with a flick of his thick wrist. Jacques had been lurking somewhere in the hallway I'm guessing because Etienne had addressed him before closing my bedroom door and sealing us inside the now silent room.

Finding and pulling a t-shirt over my head, I fiddled with the hem of my shirt for a minute and tried to gather my scattered thoughts before going back out into the room to face the sex god that is my mate. Etienne was a sight to see as he casually reclined on my bed. His back leaned against the headboard and his long legs were stretched out in front of him and crossed at the ankles. He was the picture of relaxation that is until I looked up into his smoldering eyes. He looked at me like he was in total awe of me, like I was the best thing he's ever seen. I felt my blush warming my face as he held out his hand towards me and urged me to go to him.

My feet had no problem following his silent command, but my heart fluttered away in my chest like it had sprouted wings and was about to take flight. The closer I got to the bed was the more potent Etienne's scent became. The aroma of clean man mixed with exotic flowers assaulted my senses and I found myself rushing towards the bed and climbing right over him until I was straddling his thick thighs. I don't know what came over me, but the urge to get as close as I possibly can to Etienne had me burying my face into his neck and inhaling him like he was the oxygen I needed to survive.

Etienne purred like a big cat while his big arms curved around my waist and locked me against his warm, naked chest. The sound vibrated through my upper body and sent tingles of awareness over every inch of my skin that touched him.

"Good evening precious. I apologize for Remy and Sebastian's appalling behavior. Hopefully they didn't frighten you." His deliciously deep voice resonated in my ear.

"Good evening, and I'm fine just surprised that's all. They were fighting like children. Is that how they normally behave?" I asked from my sanctuary underneath his chin. My lips brushed against the tantalizing expanse of fragrant skin and muscle of his throat. I was pleased when the big man released a sexy little hiss. His thick arms squeezed me a little tighter and I took pride with the knowledge that I can affect the man like that. I rejoiced knowing that I can unbalance him just as much as he unbalances me.

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