Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

(The Coven House)

**A/N- Thank you guys once again for taking another journey with me. Here ends the story of Seth and his Etienne (pronounce Et-tea-anne) I hope you enjoyed my little Halloween story, xoxo until next time. Dianna**


My breath stalled in my lungs and my fisted twisted in the fabric of Etienne's coat as I watched Morgan's body slam onto the ground with enough force to make my own teeth hurt. Steam swirled around Etienne's clenched fists and he raised his arms one more to send another surge of energy at Morgan, but I felt a shift in the atmosphere right next to where we were standing mere seconds before my grandmother appeared amongst the surprised gasps of all those gathered around us.

"NO, Etienne! Morgan's demise belongs to me." She declared as she stepped forward and placed a restraining hand on one of Etienne's large fist. My eyes went wide with surprise at this turn of events. She never mentioned getting involved in this dispute earlier when we were talking in my bedroom, but from the cold, unforgiving look on her face. She was making this her business and it seemed to be very personal in nature. I went to open my mouth and intervene when Etienne's head snapped around, and I saw the sheer outrage written all over his handsome features. His eyes glowed bright red and his fangs had distended. They looked dangerously sharp and menacing under the shimmering lights surrounding the summoning circle.

My jaws snapped shut when I felt Etienne's big body shudder against mine, and I watched him close his eyes, his nostrils flared before he blew out a breath, and then he lowered his curled fists to his side. I threw my arms around his waist offering any kind of support I could, and painted myself against his rigid back like glue.

Little by little, I felt the tension easing out of his spine and his large palms landed on my hips. He stepped back carrying the both of us to the very edge of the circle, and nodded his head in acceptance to my grandmother. His fingers dug into my waist when I once gain attempted to ask what was going on and his move silenced me. My confusion didn't last long. Morgan managed to climb to his feet and smile at my grandmother like a deranged idiot.

"Ah... If it isn't my decades missing mate returned to me in the flesh. May I say you're looking just as stunning as ever and still very much alive my dear." He all but sneered as he brushed the dead leaves and twigs off his clothes.

Understanding dawned on me when my grandmother carefully circled around Morgan as he stood there glaring menacingly back at her. I surely didn't miss it when Morgan had said the word mates. My eyebrows nearly shot up into my hairline. This seemed to be more than just some simple lovers quarrel. There were some serious vibes of pure hatred going on between the two. My mind was still boggled over them being mates. Weren't mates supposed to love each other unconditionally. Weren't mated pairs supposed to be together forever?

From what Etienne and Remy have explained to me, and from what I've read in my grandmother's diary. The same woman who was standing a few yards away from me looking at her own mate like she was wishing him the most painful of deaths. A mate is the most precious gift the fates could give to you. So, how did these two end up hating each other?

"In his thirst for power greater than he deserved. He almost killed her trying to absorb her magic before breaking their mating bond with dark magic. All because her magic is stronger than his, and she refused to cooperate with his plans of trying to rule over all paranormal species." I felt Etienne's response in my head. He must have picked up on my musings through our bond. I managed to look away from the drama unfolding in front of us to look up at my mate. He just shrugged his wide shoulders, never taking his off Morgan as the warlock and my grandmother continued to circle one another.

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