Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

(Sexy Etienne) (Please enjoy the video Adore you by Nao featuring Abhi/Dijon.)


You know that old saying, "Be careful what you ask for, because you just might get it." Well that popular phrase applied to my current situation by leaps and bounds. I'd demanded Etienne to take me, to finally go through the mating ritual and make me his once and for all. I'd wanted not only his coven, but the entire world to know that I belonged to his man, this eternal being was my vampire. I wanted everyone to know that he belonged to me just as I belonged to him. I'd wanted proof that I'd done something right along the way in my lifespan to be granted the gift to spend my life with a awe inspiring, powerful mate like Etienne.

Now, I was about to get my demands met whether I was ready for it or not. His bedroom door had barely clicked closed behind us before I found myself naked, and splayed out in the middle of his massive bed with my vampire unleashed, and staring at me like I was the most edible thing he's ever seen. Etienne stood at the end of the bed just staring at me. He looked almost like he'd gone completely feral. His long, thick hair swirled around his powerful shoulders, his fangs had descended to point they were almost piercing his bottom lip, and his eyes, oh my god, his eyes were glowing bright red.

One would think that by the way this very powerful vampire was looking at me, that I'd feel like prey, and I'd be terrified out of my mind. Well, from the intent way he was studying my every breath and the way my body trembled, I'd agree that I did feel like his cornered prize. But I was far from scared. My rock hard, weeping cock was proof of that. I wanted this man, this being with every molecule in me.

The air I was desperately trying to draw into my lungs hitched when Etienne carelessly waved his hand across his body and his clothes filtered to the floor like sheer curtains gently billowing in the wind. A muffled whimper eased past my lips at the naked expanse on flesh now on display for me to fully enjoy and drool over. My heart began pounding even harder against my rib cage, and for some reason my instincts were screaming at me to make the first move, to do something to get him on this bed by any means necessary. Not that I didn't enjoy his heated perusal of my body, but I was dying to feel him against me, to have those big hands and that impressive cock mastering me in every way possible.

Using my heels and my hands I pushed myself towards the headboard of the bed, and that was all it took to get my vampire moving. Etienne frowned, it seemed he didn't want me distancing myself from him, so he simply climbed up on the end of the bed, grabbed me by my ankles and effortlessly slid me back into the middle of the mattress. It was like the heavens had opened up and the Angels started to sing when he laid his big, hot body over mine and covered me completely. He braced his weight on his elbows and those hypnotic red eyes trapped me in place.

My eyelids flattered when he lowered his head and used the tip of his tongue to lick the curve of my bottom lip. "Are you absolutely sure about this my fated? For once it's done there will be no leaving my side ever again. This mating is for eternity." He whispered and my entire body shuddered with anticipation underneath his. I may not be sure of a lot of things since the night my so-called friends and roommates had beaten me and left me for dead. I wasn't sure about my abilities as a warlock or witch. Hell, I wasn't even sure about the identity of my parents and my missing in action grandmother. But I was sure as ever about my feelings for this man.

He'd come for me and saved me when I was on the brink of death. He'd healed me and cared for me like no one has ever bothered to care for me all my life. He'd taken the time to explain to me who and what I am. And most importantly, he'd accepted me for me, flaws and all. Despite my lack of knowledge about anything magical, and about the thin veil separating the preternatural world from the human world, Etienne still wanted plain old me. He acted like I was the greatest gift the fates could have ever bestowed upon him.

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