Chapter 6

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Chapter 6



The air shimmered behind me and the Jacques' earthy sent mixed with a hint of his expensive cologne alerted me of his entry into my study. Any other time, the beings in my coven would have to ask my permission to enter, before taking the liberties of just presenting themselves in front of me without warning. Let's just say those who have tried are either still healing from near fatal injuries or dead depending on who dared to test my patience.

It's always been my birthright, I am well aware of who I am and of what I am, and so are they. I am an ancient Vampire who has seen to much in my multiple lifetimes and leader of my extensively large coven. I've had to rule with an iron fist, paranormals respect intellect and strength, survival of the fittest and all that. I'm also an obscenely wealthy businessman with enemies both human and paranormals alike in the business world.

That is why my inner circle consists of only those I can trust with my very life, and now with the life of my fated one. I am still reeling from the fact that I almost lost him before I even got the chance to know that he existed. That is why Jacques is standing at back unharmed and patiently waiting for my attention. I had sent my best friend, the head of my protection detail himself to find out what he could about the circumstances that put my beloved almost at death's door.

"Jacques, what do you have for me?" I asked as I turned my gaze away from the view of my estate's gardens and made eye contact with my friend.

"Bonsoir (Good evening), Etienne. I have some very intriguing new for you my friend." Jacques stated a he took a seat in the plush chair facing my massive black lacquered desk.

After settling my large frame into the comfort of the leather wing chair behind my desk I crossed my legs and patiently waited for Jacques to share whatever information he had managed to procure for me. I didn't care how he retrieved the information. I just needed to what it is and how accurate was the source. I hoped he had wrung the information from someone in the group that had harmed Seth, but I didn't smell any of the guilty parties scent on him. I had memorized everything about that night because those who were involved on laying a finger on my fated will die an agonizing death at my own hands soon and very soon. I just needed to know all the players in the game. No one inflicted that kind of fatality on someone without reason.

It was more than just a gay bashing, it was more than an act of hate. It was deliberate, it was brutal attack that, thank god had failed to achieve the obvious purpose of murdering my beloved. My body shuddered with revulsion at just the thought that if I had been mere minutes later than what I had already been in arriving to that dilapidated old mill, I might have lost the one being the fates had made just for me.

The pain that I had experienced that cold dark night slashed through my chest as if I was reliving discovering Seth in such a state that night. My mind vividly recalled following my mate's alluring scent, the call of his spilled blood, only to find him bruised, battered, and near death. He had been barely hanging on the fragile thread of his life force. Seth's whole aura had been shrouded in unimaginable pain and utter despair when I'd finally found him in an alarming large pool of his own blood.

"Eh, Etienne, I can feel your discontent mon ami (my friend). Let it go, you got to him in time. That is what's important. Now, as for the reasons why. I glimmered some of the students and found out some very interesting news. One of the girls I'd glamoured is romantically involved with one of the young men who was involved in committing that heinous act of attempted murder of your fated. A young warlock, Morgan's nephew to be exact."

With a knowing raised eyebrow, he continued. "It seems that your fated is a descendant from a very powerful line of witches. It is rumored that if Seth is related to who they say he is related to then he is destined to not only be a wizard with enormous power and influence in the paranormal world, but he will not come into those powers until he is mated."

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