Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

(Grandmother's diary)


Something didn't feel right. My body shot up straight in bed, and I couldn't for the life of me figure out what it was that had woken me up. My eyes scanned every inch and darkened corner of the room. Even with my enhanced senses, I couldn't see or hear anything out of the normal. That's when the hairs on my arms and he back of my neck began to rise.

Goosebumps shivered over the surface of my skin and I reached out for Etienne, but all my fingers hit was cold empty sheets. I quickly turned my head to look at Etienne's side of the bed and I felt the cold shiver of fear trickle its way down my spine. I knew for a fact we almost destroyed the bed last night after Etienne and I had spoken with Remy and Sebastian about the sanctity of the mating bond.

Yet his side of the bed was pristine, the comforter was folded neatly like I'd just lifted my side of the sheets and slipped into bed all by myself. I looked up and glanced around the room once again. Everything was spotless, not even the clothes Etienne had ripped from my body in his haste to touch my skin wasn't on the floor. Something deep inside, some instinctual urge had me closing my eyes and chanting one of the ancient spells I had learned from my grandmother's diary. A reality spell, a ward of protection against someone trying to alter my reality in order to cause me harm.

Feeling the warm energy of my magic, I continued to summon the rising power as I got up from the bed and wrapped a robe around my nakedness. Only then did I open my eyes and I smiled when I saw what I was supposed to see. The mess my mate and I created the night before all over the room. The line of discarded clothing leading from the door to the bed. The rumpled comforter and bed linens skewed about and pooling on the thick carpet. The only thing that was missing was my mate.

As calmly as I could manage with my heart pounding away in my chest. I opened my senses to our mating bond, and that's when I felt it, a searing hot jolt of power that almost knocked me off my feet. A buzzing noise pierced confused my hearing and I desperately shook my head trying to clear the sound. Another jolt of power had me dropping to my knees. I felt the pure unadulterated anger shimmering from my mate over our mating bond, and I instantly knew that my mate was extremely upset. No that was too mid a word to describe what Etienne was feeling. He was downright pissed off and expending a lot of power. I knew I had to get to him before he leveled the entire house.

When I threw the bedroom door open, it was like pandemonium in the hallway. Coven members were running rampart all over the place, most of them were headed in the direction of the safe rooms, while the enforcers were headed in the other direction towards the main room of the house. I decided to follow my bond straight to my vampire. Damn, whomever had casted that fallacy spell knew what they were doing. I would have happily slept through all this commotion if I wasn't paying attention to my magic. That little piece of knowledge scared the shit out of me.

With my heart in my throat and my magic sizzling on the surface of my skin, I turned the final corner that led into the man sitting room of the house, and the sight before me had me stopping on a dime. My eyes went as wide as I watched Etienne in all his powerful glory face off against two identical warlock twins currently locked together back to back by some invisible force as my vampire circled them like the ultimate predator he was.

The look of utter menace and hatred marred his features, he was in his full vampire form. His lethal fangs and his sharp claws on full display. He was wearing nothing but his sleep pants, so his muscles quivered and flexed underneath the expanse of his tanned skin. His hair hung like heavy curtain, cascading down his back.

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