Hey, My Name's- UPH. STUPID WALL

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Also not my art, more tracing. Either way, KAYLA
I dashed back to the Hermes cabin. No one questioned where I'd been. Travis and Connor lined us all up and we marched to breakfast.

I had seen the magic plates in action before (lunch and dinner at good ol' CHB) but I felt stupid just staring at my empty plate.

"Order something." The kid next to me, Cecil, said, munching on toast. "Whatever you like."

I didn't know what I liked. I'd had school food all my life for breakfast, and no way in heck was I going to willingly eat that slop when I could have anything. But I didn't really know anything else. I don't know why I didn't say so. It actually felt pretty embarrassing.

Cecil must have guessed something was up. "Try the omelet." He told me.

I took his suggestion. I scraped a bit of my food into a fire as a sacrifice to the gods (along with some prayer that I would not be claimed) and bit into the omelet. I tried not to gasp, but Cecil noticed my expression. He laughed. "We all had similar reactions. You didn't really eat much yesterday, so you didn't get the full amazingness of camp food."

I nodded. Oh, my gods, was this what actual food tasted like? "Cecil," I said, making sure to swallow first, "what'll happen back at school. I'm not there, so-"

"Camp is school now."

"Oh." I tried not to be bummed. School sucked, but there were a few thing I'd miss. Namely, Mr. Jenkins's class. He'd even said that if I kept up my work, I might get a scholarship for a science program one day. But hey, how disappointing can hero training be?

Answer: more than you would expect.

It wasn't all fencing and boxing. There were these huge strawberry fields that everyone pitched in with, Arts and Crafts, pegasus riding (which, admittedly, was still freaking awesome), even wood chopping. I mean, seriously? Wood chopping?

After many hours of chopping wood with the Hermes cabin, five or so other classes, and lunch, I had the first class I was actually excited about: sword fighting.

Suffice it to say that swords aren't my thing.

I was still maybe hoping that I'd have a stroke of luck and get a light saber, but no. Just a large, sharp piece of special monster killing bronze called "celestial bronze". Us Hermes kids (hey, I was hoping Thalia had played some sort of sick joke on me. Don't crush my dreams) took our pointy objects and proceeded to try to stab each other.

I got partnered with Cecil. I didn't want to do this anymore. The sword was heavy, it was hot, and Cecil was very much more experienced than me.

He was nice about beating me, at least. He gave me pointers on how to suck less (thank you, Cecil) and how I could use my sword to block and...

... sorry, fell asleep. Did you say something, Cecil?

So after I had lost a million times, Travis and Connor called a water break. I decided I really liked that idea. I drank a full bottle of water and splashed my face with ice. Where did the ice come from? The ice chest, duh.

Even after my water break, I was not ready to go and get beat another billion times by Cecil. I sat on the ground and wondered what would happen if I played dead.

I managed to drag myself up, shaking my hair to get some of the melted ice out. Cecil didn't immediately start hacking at me with a blade, but he gave me some pointers that actually were really helpful. If only I would listen.

"Stop holding it like that." He told me for the tenth time.

"But it looks cool." I grumbled.

"It's not a plastic prop from a Hollywood film, it's a dangerous weapon that would slice you like bread. Hold it like I showed you."

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