Hanging out

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Hanging out



Instead of your ex cheating on you with another girl, he's officially going out with her now.

Yeah, you broke up with him but, that doesn't mean that it doesn't hurt. You really liked him so of course you were sad about the new news.

You were in the same forest as before when you talked to slenderman.

'Maybe he would want to talk and get my mind off of this', you think to yourself as you step over branches and sticks trying not to fall flat on your face.

----(skip 10 min)----

"Dammit! Where the hell am I", you think out loud.

You continued walking till you came to the same clearing as before. 'Hopefully he will be here. Most of all hopefully he won't kill me'

You lay down on the ground in the middle of the clearing, surrounded by grass and flowers of every color.

"Hello again", you heard Slender's voice and silently smiled.

You sat up and look towards where slender stands. "I'm glad you came", you say to him.

"How could I not, I can't leave such beauty waiting", he said.

"yeah, it is beautiful isn't it", you said looking around the forest not knowing that the beauty he was talking about was you.

"Do you mind if I sit with you", he asked, pointing towards the spot next to you.

"Oh, not at all", you said, scooting over a little to make room.

You both talked for hours but unfortunately you had to go before your parents got worried. You two promise to meet up there everyday.



"Hi I'm Splenderman. What's your name", the happy man asked.

"Um... (Y/N)", you said a little cautious. Who wouldn't be in this situation, you meet a stranger and the woods and he asked for your name like it's and normal Monday or something.

"Why hello there hummingbird, why are you so sad", he asked the smile face turned into a face of concern.

You only had to say one word to make him understand, "bullies".

He teleported in front of you and gave you a bear hug. "It's okay, we all deal with bullies some time in our life time", he said still hugging you.

"Who were your's", you asked him curious to know who would bully such a kind gentle man.

"My brothers. They don't really like how happy I am all the time but, it's who I am and I'm not going to change who I am for them", he said looking down at me.

"That's terrible", you said looking uo at him.

"Yeah, but do you know how I'm so happy even though my brothers bully me", he asked.

"What", you asking wondering how he is so happy.

"Just think that people say bad things about you because they want to be you", he said.

He gave you more tips that help you with your bullies and inner demons. He also got your mind off of your sadness at school.



You two left the bar after what just happened with the drunk guy. You were about to bring (Y/F/F/N) with you but, she was too busy suckling faces with some other dude that was way too old for her.

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